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Carolina Restuccia

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...I can say that I love the voice of Carolina wich is near perfect (perfect ?) on these compositions with some easy tunes layed on complex structures or harmonies made for a mix of acoustic and electric instruments, great job ! Jean-Luc, French composer and editor marzo 2009 ***************************************************** stupenda e versatile voce di Carolina Restuccia ( un nome da annotarsi questo…) sa efficacemente evocare: Restos de camaleon, Como acariciar a un tigre muerto e Falso 11 ne sono chiari esempi. In effetti quella della vocalist è una presenza di grande peso artistico che risulta essere, al tempo stesso, esaltante e ingabbiante…. Sì perché il suo è un vocalismo di “personalità”... Vincenzo Giorgio Distribuzione Altrock abril 2009 **************************************************** esta manera a KUK (Carolina Restuccia, Esteban Saldaño, Marco Bailo y Nicolás D..almonte) le ha sido otorgado el Tercer Premio en el I Concurso Internacional de Creación Musical y Videoarte, categoría Música Moderna, de la Fundación Innova Música de Andorra... noviembre 2008 **************************************************** “Carolina give lots of emotion in the songs (her wonderful interpretations sometimes reminds me the intensity of Björk and the softness of Petronella from Paatos), … but since I have so little understanding of Spanish, … could you elaborate on the words. Answer: Believe me. Carolina has never listened Bjork before recording. In fact, She had a huge prejudice whit her and her music. She was and incredible discovery. Laureano, the producer, found her. At this time, she had a rock group in the outskits of Buenos Aires..” Franco-Belgian magazine - album of the month Octubre 2008 *************************************************** ...Sarà per certi elementi sudamericani che vengono di quando in quando disseminati in questo minestrone di influenze diverse, sarà per gli elementi sinfonici che vengono inseriti con sapiente parsimonia, come a stemperare sapori che altrimenti risulterebbero troppo speziati, o sarà infine per l'acuta e cinguettante voce di Carolina Restuccia, che gioca con gli acuti come una funambola ma non abusa mai delle sue qualità tecniche, mantenendosi in bilico fra soluzioni estreme e un lirismo incantevole. Carolina canta sempre in maniera piacevole... reviews‏ agosto de 2008 **************************************************** ...Beim ersten Anhören stockte mir der Atem und ich war schier überfordert, aber danach löste sich das Klangknäuel und präsentierte seine elegante, sehr eigene und verflixt komplexe Struktur. Was Carolina Restuccia schon im ersten Song zu singen hat, ist in der populären Musik, selbst der anspruchsvollen, sehr selten. Dissonanzen treffen sich zum höheren Vergnügen, Streicher, Bläser und Rockband fügen ein wunderbares "Durcheinander"... reviews‏ agosto de 2008 *************************************************** The album is opened with “α “ (Alpha). A song that starts with the strange and unusual but captivating voice of Carolina Restuccia singing in Spanish, soon the whole band joins creating a total dissonance between the vocals and music, normally this would keep me away but in this case only interested me more, several radical changes of tempo and mood, make of this track a perfect gem... “Como Acariciar a un Tigre Muerto” (How to Pet a Dead Tiger): starts with an “a capella” intro soon followed by a weird piano and then the whole band, in this track we can see some Post Rock approach, very rhytmic and vibrant, the flute work is simply perfect and of course the controlled cacophony is delightful. The Orchestral sections are really scary and atmospheric and the spooky screams of the Carolina Restuccia blend perfectly, excellent work......again soft and melancholic, the piano adds more mystery to the song forming a perfect duet with the vocals... Progressive Rock Forum Iván Melgar Morey abril 2009 ****************************************************** naturalidad de las transiciones -entre momentos rockeros y orquestales, entre lo eléctrico y lo acústico, entre lo “culto” y lo “popular”- que se suceden sin solución de continuidad en el seno de una misma canción; en la fascinación un tanto extenuante de la voz de Carolina Restuccia, que pugna sin descanso por llenar todos los espacios con un repertorio inagotable de registros expresivos... noviembre de 2007 ****************************************************** …The high-pitched voice of Carolina Restuccia creates a strange ambiance and is perfectly in tune with this project. With that kind of music, any description is short of the ear zone reality. It must be experience firsthand. The core member of the band are in addition to Miss Restuccia, Marco Bailo on guitar, Fedrico Arbia on bass, Esteban Saldano on piano, Nicolas Dalmonte on drums and composer Marcelo Delgado leading a chamber orchestra…… ProGGnosis - Progressive Rock & Fusion abril 2009

My Interests


Member Since: 2/4/2008
Band Members: Bienvenidos al deseo ansiolítico, a la excitación, al pasar el rato-rato, hoy es el cumpleaños de todos, la traducción incorrecta, la automática felicidad ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
Sounds Like: ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ las orillas

Type of Label: Major

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de "Regreso al Universo"

Tomó el astily cortó enteras bambúseasclerófoba y endeblecargó dentera ante el griallloró sin sentirlomirando el cielotras barbitúricos ********************************************************** Bienv...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 20:09:00 GMT