Airin, snuggling with my kitties, saving the world, etc...
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-- I HATE -- Vivisection. It refers to the dissection of, or any cutting or surgery upon, a living animal including humans. More generally, it is used to describe any painful experiment upon living animals, or any live animal testing, typically for the purpose of physiological or pathological scientific investigation. (Wikipedia's definition)
-- -- Huntington Life Sciences practices this DAILY. On animals who are not only awake, but have not been given any pain killers. I am actively trying to put them out of business, every day people like me make progress, and gradually HLS is going under.
Someone who could explain to me why people are such assholes.
YES! As long as I can sing to it, dance to it, cry to it, sleep to it, meditate to it, drive to it, work out to it, or do other unmentionables while enjoying it. Mmm, music!
A lot of them, I think a list would be dumb, and genres are dumb too.
Grey's Anatomy. Period.
Airin wrote me a great book for my birthday two years ago, it's the best book ever! It's all about me!
Julie, the Dalai Lama (all of them), Grandma, people who really had to overcome something and made it out able to function somewhat normally.