I am short. I'm not good at math. I like music.
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Um....i think i already said this one but, i enjoy music. I'm intrested in food...basically any type.
Anyone who has more than two eyes.
John Mayer, Jason Mraz,Huey Lewis and the News, Journey, Chicago, Toto,The Police, Van Halen, Kansas, Wavorly,Copeland, Leeland,Tommy Emmanuel, Dream Theater, Joe Satriani, John Petrucci,Eric Johnson, Jeff Spencer, Norah Jones, Hall & Oates. I rule out all Rap. And a lot of country.
Anchorman, Orange County, Elf, Billy Madison, anything funny, Batman Begins, Last Samari, Fire Wall,Monty Python and the Holy Grail.... and lots more.
Searching for God knows what. Blue Like Jazz. The Word. Where's Waldo?