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Realism is so much sexier than anti-realism.

About Me

Despite the fact that I am an agnostic (or "soft") atheist, I am very interested in how religion functions.***I sometimes I get depressed when I think how quickly my life is passing, and that I'll be dead sooner than I think. I do not fear death, for my death will simply be the end of me***I consider myself a Darwinian Nihilist. Meaning, knowledge, truth--just like everything else--is a thing of this world, and is thus constructed. Because subjects and intersubjectivity characterize the human world, there's no such thing as a "natural" or "obvious" interpretation to anything, whether we're talking about a text or life events or the universe.***I am humbled by my finitude. I am tiny, historical, and a product of my times. And so are you. Even before I write this, my culture, times, and experiences have "written" me in some sense (and you too!). We may be more determined than we think. We are all stuck in a web of certain beliefs, assumptions, and sociopolitcial and linguistic frameworks that restrict as much as they vitalize.***As a behaviorist, I don't consider beliefs as that which practices or actions are based upon. I think all thought is made possible by (and thus also constained by) speech and language. The "mind" as a distinct sphere doesn't work for me. Each "mind"--by which I mean "brain" and not some Ghost in the Machine--is inexorably connected to the total biologico-ecologic "niche" in which an organism exists. To speak of a "mental life" as distinct from something else grossly overlooks this interdependence and arbitrary division of biological anatomy.***I like Skinner's claim that a complete account of behavior involves an understanding of selection history at three levels: biology (the natural selection or phylogeny of the animal); behavior (the reinforcement history or ontogeny of the behavioral repertoire of the animal); and for some species, culture (the cultural practices of the social group to which the animal belongs). This whole organism, with all those histories, then interacts with its environment.***2 quotes from Skinner himself will flesh out some implications:"In the traditional view, a person is free. He is autonomous in the sense that his behavior is uncaused. He can therefore be held responsible for what he does and justly punished if he offends. That view, together with its associated practices, must be re-examined when a scientific analysis reveals unsuspected controlling relations between behavior and environment." Also, "The picture which emerges from a scientific analysis is not of a body with a person inside, but of a body which is a person in the sense that it displays a complex repertoire of behavior. . . . What is being abolished is autonomous man—the inner man, the homunculus, the possessing demon, the man defended by the literatures of freedom and dignity. His abolition has long been overdue. . . . Science does not dehumanize man, it de-homunculizes him."***I look forward to whatever I can experience, good or bad. At least I am alive.***I am more aware of what I do not know than what I do. There's so much that I don't and will never understand.***My opinions are not fixed. They are only provisional, and are constantly open to being reworked, if needed. It usually is needed. Some inevitably see this as "being tossed about to and fro" and thus negatively, and to them a must post a question: Why is it wrong to be open to new ideas, and refuse to accept the fact that I have "arrived" intellectually? Only myopic arrogance, which I believe is at the heart of our world's problems, can uphold such an idea. Thus, Volaire: "We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly." "The fewer dogmas, the fewer disputes; the fewer disputes, the fewer miseries: if this is not true, then I'm wrong." If Voltaire is wrong, then so am I.***I don't believe in essences, objectivity, or "truth" (in the traditional sense)--although I think these can be made in softer versions. I believe in historicity, contingency, the inter-relatedness and linguistic construction and dependence of all things. However, all models of Reality don't work equally well. Reality is too obstinate to allow an endless amount of possible interpretations.***I hope for solidarity. I really want to help people, to better life for all, to eliminate suffering, poverty, etc., but I am constantly frustrated by who I want to be and who I am, and how to make what I love contribute to those ideals.***I am becoming slowly convinced that life is a form of art.***I am a vegetarian. For those who ask why, my reasons boil down to this: I think the lives and unnecessary suffering of animals is more important than the trivial concerns of my tastebuds.***I will be completing my second year of doctoral studies in Religion and Modernity in the Spring. I am exploring how both the Scientific and Darwinian Revolutions and the Linguistic Turn bears upon Science, Religion, and Philosophy. I am at once excited, humbled, and nervous -- overwhelmed in all -- by this awesome opportunity.

My Interests

Religion, Philosophy, Science, Politics, Theory. Animals, People. Myths, Stories and Narratives. Literature, art, poetry.

I'd like to meet:

Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam. * * * See: * * * * * * * * * * * *


John McLaughlin (Mahavishnu Orchestra and Shakti), Paco De Lucia, Hendrix, Primus, Spoon, Beck, Beatles, David Holmes, NIN, Sneaker Pimps, Kelli Ali, I-Am-X, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Timbaland, Imaad Wasif, Regina Spektor, Liars, Grizzly Bear, Beirut, Voxtrot, TV on the Radio, Thee Oh Sees, Sunset Rubdown.


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Arrested Development. Curb Your Enthusy.


Richard Rorty: _Philosophy and Social Hope_, and everything else he has written. J. M. Coetzee: _The Lives of Animals_ and _Elizabeth Costello_, _Slow Man_. Philip Kitcher: _Living With Darwin_; _Science, Truth, Democracy_. James Rachels: _Created from Animals_. And many, many more.


Rorty. Coetzee. Elizabeth Costello. Sympathetic people everywhere, of all times.

My Blog

Cornel West on Being a Leftist in the 21st Century

Cornel West, professor of religion at Princeton University and author of a number of books (_Democracy Matters_, _The American Evasion of Philosophy_, and many others) articulates what it means for hi...
Posted by pete on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:21:00 PST

The Communist Manifestoon

This is perfect: a synopsis of Marx & Engel's Communist Manifesto, nicely set to cartoon clips.  Watch why "free-trade" is a convenient euphemism for exploitation; how we are part of a huge a...
Posted by pete on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:07:00 PST

Eradicating the "Disorder" of Homosexuality?

Furor Over Baptist's 'Gay Baby' Article By DAVID CRARY The Rev. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., published an article titled "Is Your Baby Gay? What If You Could Know? What If You Could Do Something Abou...
Posted by pete on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 08:08:00 PST

New NIN Video! (Survivalism)

Posted by pete on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 10:54:00 PST

Darwin's Autobiography: On Religion

During these two years I was led to think much about religion. Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves o...
Posted by pete on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 07:24:00 PST

Paula Zahn Show on Atheists Revisited

The Paula Zahn Show recently aired a sequel to the show about atheists, which included an interview with Richard Dawkins and panel revisiting the subject.  It comes in two parts.  Enjoy!Pete...
Posted by pete on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 05:26:00 PST

Atheists in America (The Paula Zahn Show, CNN)

Recently on CNN's Paula Zahn Show, there aired a special story and ensuing discussion about the alleged discrimination against atheists in the United States.  There is a quite interesting little ...
Posted by pete on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:12:00 PST

10 Myths & Truths about Atheism

I am an ardent supporter of the works and ideas of Sam Harris.  He has recently written two books, the first of which he argues against the notion of faith as an acceptable way of living an...
Posted by pete on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 10:47:00 PST

Why I Am A Vegetarian

here is a video, narrated by alec baldwin (not that that matters at all), about the cruelty of modern treatment of animals.  what you are about to see is as disturbing as it is unethical.  a...
Posted by pete on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 06:18:00 PST


"This is the single most powerful and informative movie about society's treatment of animals. A must see for anyone who cares enough to know" ...
Posted by pete on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 06:10:00 PST