I don't care if you're fifty five or seven, everybody needs a day off now and then. It's a beautiful day. How can I be expected to handle high school?
I'm not European. I don't plan on being European. So, who gives a shit if they're socialists? They could be fascist anarchists and it still wouldn't change the fact that I
don't own a car.
Not that I condone fascism. Or and "isms". "Isms", in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an "ism". He should believe in himself. John Lennon said it on his first solo album. "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." A good point there. Afterall, he was the Walrus. I could be the Walrus and I'd still have to bum rides off people.
I wanted a car. I got a computer. How's that for being born under a bad sign?