Just started learning to play the ukulele. Creating Art, Listening to music, Making people Smile :o}, Meeting New People, Dancing like a @..NUT@..* Spending time with good people, Telling dirty jokes, Wasting time, FunInTheSun, Staring at the stars, DreamingWishingImaginingMeditating, and Being a Free Spirit.
I HATE MTV!!! Hmmm, Let's see....Anything that really moves me, hits me hard, touches my soul, suits my mood, melts my heart, allows me to feel the emotion conveyed thru the song. Lots of BEATS AND BASS, BABY!! I love singing along to all the songs that I know the lyrics to and if I don't I make up my own. I listen to everything.
Quentin Tarantino!!! {Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Resievoir Dogs, Kill Bill 1/2, etc.} I Love Star Wars! Lord of The Rings, Clash of the Titans, Hairy Pooter{oh gosh, did I say that aloud?}, Half Baked{Cult Classic!}, Casino, New Crack City(hehhehheh), Scarface, Blow, Requiem For A Dream, Wonderland, Scary movies that I hafta watch 'tween my fingers, Flesh Eating Mothers is always a classic 80's D movie. Blackula is great. Donny Darko, Labyrinth, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Stephen King. BIG BIG Johnny Depp fan. Blow, Pirates of the Caribbean, Donnie Brasco, all of them. Hmmmm....will think of more.
I watch too much TV. KILL YOUR T.V.!!!!!
Just started "High Culture"/William Novak....Hunter S. Thompson, Chariots Of The Gods, The Complete Bartender's Guide :oP Mmmm, beer!, Odyssey, Illiad, Beowulf, The Hobbit, Brain Droppings (George Carlin-some funny shit, man!)..yeah, havn't read too much lately! John Grisham, Stephen King.
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