I absolutely love kicking empty soda cans around. Breathing abnormally is a favorite past time of mine. Its especially fun when I give myself a panic attack, I love having those, they are such a rush. I definitely enjoy being in doors. im such an in doors person. i am going to start taking pictures of all the places i have been in my house. Now that is impressive!! "theres me and martha hanging out in the bathroom in 04'. " "and heres me and betsy drinking cocktails in the master bedroom in 02'. that was a wild night, ay betsy?" oh, and i dont care for sarcasm at all. I think its negative, destructive, and is poor for the soul.
People who are boring. People who dont have much to say. People who like to make fun of others. People who are just plain nuts. They are a personal fave of mine to hang with! Also, I would absolutely love someone who is a compulsive liar. Those are my absolute favorite people to hang out with. Its so fun to try and figure out if they are lying or not. Its like a constant board game. Oh! i just get excited thinking about it. If you are cheap, perfect. I love spending all my money on people i just meet. so, if you are down with the street, or hip to my list. hit me up. oh, and if you use the words : holla, playa, pimp, brotha, fo sho, dawg or anything that ends in izzle: well, i just think youre so original and neat. Oh! and the final capper; if you liked the movie "weekend at bernies 2" and find yourself watching it every friday and saturday night, we have to meet!!!
ok, i like xlylophones. They make pretty sounds. I like cymbals. They are fun to play with. I like ummmm..... the oboe is highly overrated. I dont care for that instrument at all or the pretentious noises it makes. you notice oboe and hobo rhyme? coincidence? i think not!
movies are different. they can create interesting conversation and controversey. My favorite movies : goonies 3, phat beach, good burger, all the police acadamey movies, sandlot 2, put it where it doesnt belong, my pipes need cleaning, oh and uh happy scrappy hero pup. Favorite actors : Jonathan Taylor Thomas (sigh), Steve Guttenburg, That fat annoying kid from Good burger, and i absolutely love Steve Guttenburg. Hello Oscar!
i dont watch television. I think its bad for the mind. it doesnt constitute any growth of the spirit or elevation of the mind. if you watch television you are most likely going to go to hell.
I am still on my first book of my life, but i do recommend it. See Spot Run is a hell of a book. I am almost done. On page 43 of 46. The way they disect Spot's character and the trials and tribulations he has to go through. It is very interesting so far. I find his spirit will not be broken by jack his owner who wants him to get the frisbee. I feel that Spot is having philosiphical differences with Jack and that he shouldnt have to get the frisbee if he doesnt want to. Just because Jack is his owner does not necessarily mean that he has control over Spot's free will. I almost feel that Spot wants bite Jack to show him that he is not a piece of property but a living being. Interesting Stuff. Almost done, and cant wait to discuss the thrilling conclusion in act 3 of this coming of age story.
The guy who used to do the Joe Isuzu commercials.