I'm probably not like you. if your into the things I am into you are most likely young and if your my age you are most likely not into the things I am into.
I really don't feel that comfortable around you or in your world, I don't feel as though I belong here.
I know a fair amount of people but spend most of my time alone, at times even when I'm out.
sometimes I unintentionally say the funniest shit.
FUCK video games, television, sports, racing, wrestling/ultimate fighter and hanging out online, especially here for any length of time.
FUCK ALL THAT SHIT! and more shit I can't remember right now, so there.
I succumbed to myspace on 02/04/08
I'm stating the obvious but,
I believe:
we as human beings are fucking everything up all in the name of fucking progress. BULLSHIT! it's fucking greed and stupidity. buy consume,
buy consume is all we do. the systems fucked and it's god damned fucking ridiculous. way too many people are really ignorant, fucked up and uncaring and are a waste of fucking space.
me, I'm just totally fucked up, only somewhat uncaring of some things and maybe only slightly a waste of fucking space.
and I don't believe:
in any of your manmade gods, the sheep of the world will believe in anything. follow along now little sheep.
if for some reason you have any problems with me, my opinions and/or my beliefs, please by all means feel free to go fuck yourself.
to be continued...
have a nice day : )