In my spare time I enjoy a good game of sweaty basketballs, hot tubbin with the fellas, and chillin back relaxin with a nice cute guy.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
All types of butt sex. The more lube the better, baby!!!
Elton John, Liberaci, and anyone else willing to cuddle
Village People, Elton John, Dashboard Confessional, basically anything GAY!
Put It Where It Doesn't Belong, Bumpin' Donuts, Men Alone 2: The KY Connection, To Each His Own, My Pipes Need Cleaning, Ass Worshiping Rimjobbers
Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, The OC, VH1!!
Butt Sex For Dummies
Eltohn John, Big Bird, the Godfather, Lt. Dangle, and anyone else who doesnt care about letting the world know, IM HERE!!! IM QUEER !!! GET USED TO IT !!!