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227 Abolitionist Place

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MISSION STATEMENTFriends of 227 Abolition Place Museum and Cultural Arts Center is Brooklyn’s only underground railroad museum dedicated to the preservation of abolitionist history, its artifacts, and performing arts. Celebrating the diversity within this urban center, we present national and international culture and tradition in relation to the struggles and triumphs against slavery through a variety of programs including: museum exhibits, educational tours of the underground railroad, scholar lecture demos, cultural enrichment classes for children and adults, children’s summer camps, performances, and audio/media production.BACKGROUND227 Abolitionist Place (a.k.a. 227 Duffield Street) was the home of Abolitionist Thomas and Harriet Lee-Truesdell; located in Downtown Brooklyn between the Fulton Mall and Willoughby Street (Metro Tech). The area was an enclave of Abolitionist activity at a time when most New Yorkers supported slavery.In 2004, Ms. Joy Chatel, the owner and resident of 227,uncovered a wooden door which led to the actual tunnel that was an active part of the historical Underground Railroad. After South Carolina, New York was the largest slave holding state in the nation, and second to the last to abolish slavery. New Jersey was the last.Joy Chatel, decided to turn her home into a museum to celebrate the inspiring history of the Truesdells, Abolition Place/Duffield Street, and the surrounding areas. Dozens of historians have concluded that in addition to abolition activity, the home represents the most exciting site for Underground Railroad research.Through the improper use of eminent domain, the New York City Economic Development Corporation planned to confiscate and destroy the home to build an underground parking lot. After almost four years of advocacy, November 2007 marks the day the city granted a reversal of condemnation leaving the owner to pursue her vision.The greatest achievement of protecting 227 Abolitionist Place was recognized by many publications as one of the most important New York stories of 2007. It is an inspiration to all New Yorkers who want sensible and respectful development.Thursday, October 23, 2008 Joy Chatel is #27 of Brooklyn's Top 50 Most Influential Brownstoner.com is publishing its list of Brooklyn's Top 50 Most Influential. In their list of numbers 21-30, they recognized the achievements of Joy Chatel:27. Joy Chatel tirelessly fought to save her home, which a national network of historians believe was involved in the Underground Railroad, from eminent domain ... and actually won. Now the city must build its underground parking garage and public plaza around her home. Without Chatel, hundreds of pages of history on Brooklyn's role in the abolitionism movement would not have been written. As a concession, the city has already agreed to commemorate Brooklyn's abolitionist movement in the planned plaza. And if Chatel succeeds in her dream, the home will be turned into a museum, an unplanned addition to the glitzy Downtown Brooklyn overhaul.Joy repeatedly states that this effort is not about her— in her view, the history of Duffield Street is owned by everyone. But we're still very glad to get the recognition.Thank you Brownstoner!

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THE CURRENT SITUATIONWhile 227 Abolitionist Place is no longer threatened with the wrecking ball, many difficult structural, and financial challenges remain. We have launched a massive and ongoing fundraising drive to secure the safety of 227 Abolitionist Place to bring the Museum to fruition.Below is short video of a NY Times reporter climbing into the tunnel used to hide enslaved Africans who were fighting for their freedom.History on Duffield Street By ROBERT FURMAN | June 20, 2007What would be the reaction if the City Economic Development Corporation suggested tearing down Fraunces Tavern and Federal Hall and replacing them with a hotel and an underground parking garage to attract tourism and then stated it would add a heritage trail to commemorate where they had been?In point of fact, the buildings on those sites are not the actual places where, respectively, George Washington said farewell to his troops and was inaugurated as our first president. The tavern is a 1909 reconstruction, and Federal Hall, our first Capitol, which had been New York's City Hall, was torn down in 1831 and replaced by the current Sub-Treasury Building.We seek those shrines to liberty in spite of them being facsimiles because they are crucial to us for knowing who we are. Note the only survivor of colonial era in downtown New York City is St. Paul's Chapel.Is the history of abolitionism and slavery so much less significant that EDC will be permitted to do just that in Brooklyn where 223-237 Duffield Street, houses it concedes were probably involved in the Underground Railroad, are slated to be replaced by an underground parking garage, a park, and access for a hotel? An Underground Railroad Freedom Trail was added as an afterthought. The houses are to be seized from the owners by eminent domain as part of the Downtown Brooklyn Urban Renewal Plan that seeks to replace everything old with high-rise hotels, offices, housing, and big-box stores.The owner of 227 Duffield Street, Joy Chatel, wants the house converted into a museum about abolitionism and the Underground Railroad. Her children and grandchildren are descendents of Frederick Douglass. The house was owned by the abolitionists, Thomas and Harriet Truesdell, who were colleagues of William Lloyd Garrison.The row of houses possesses archaeological anomalies, which professionals consider possible tunnels for moving escaping slaves. The city's historical consultant, AKRF, hired to reach the conclusion that the houses were unimportant, declined to evaluate these features via its own staff archaeologist, alleging this could not be done without demolishing the houses. This is a palpable falsehood — at a May 1 oversight hearing City Councilman, John Liu, said electronic remote sensing could be done without any disturbance of building or soil, seconding the views of EDC's own academic peer reviewer archaeologist, Cheryl LaRoche. Instead, AKRF had an architectural historian inspect plans and conclude the features were unimportant.Why build a freedom trail to nowhere? Wouldn't downtown Brooklyn be a better tourism destination if visitors could cower underground in the same tunnels where fugitives slaves did?We actually have the beginnings of a national historic park in the area. Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims in nearby Brooklyn Heights is a known abolitionist site because of the activities of Reverend Henry Ward Beecher who staged a mock slave auction there in 1860. His sister, Harriet Beecher Stowe, wrote "Uncles Tom's Cabin." Abraham Lincoln paid tribute to the importance of that book in turning public opinion against slavery by calling her "the little lady who started this big war."Two blocks from Duffield Street, which is co-named "Abolitionist Way," within the Metrotech office park, stands what is marked as Polytechnic University's Student Center, but it is obviously a very old church. In 1860 it was the Bridge Street A.M.E., Brooklyn's first black church, and an abolitionist site.So why has New York always replaced the old with the new and ignored history while doing so? The question answers itself — we are the city of the new.Unlike much of the rest of the country, we were founded by the mercantile Dutch as a trading city, and prospered as the nation's port and financier of shipping. Land in desirable areas has always been scarce, so developers have always been influential.While developers continue to be the major donors to many elected officials, our current mayor has self-financed his campaigns so he is not subject to these pressures. But he is a self-made billionaire who is therefore sympathetic to other businessmen.Moreover, back office space and corporate headquarters do not appear to be the city's future as they were in its past. Rather, tourism and upper-end residential real estate seem to be replacing offices.It has been suggested that the deputy mayor, Dan Doctoroff, who is being spoken of as Mayor Bloomberg's successor and is in charge of the redevelopment we are discussing, is today's Robert Moses. But Moses, for all his faults, operated in what was then perceived as the public interest using public funds supplied by a president from New York, Franklin Roosevelt, and thereafter by a Democratic controlled Congress.Those funds are gone, and redevelopment must be privately financed, so Mr. Doctoroff, a former investment banker, enables private business to rebuild the city. Moses specifically opposed the use of eminent domain for private projects when a new stadium for the Brooklyn Dodgers was proposed for Atlantic Terminal.Are we to be a shining new city without a soul?Mr. Furman is chairman of the Four Borough Neighborhood Preservation Alliance Corporation and a historian of New York City.

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Some photos from Duffield press confenece

Thursday, December 6, 2007 Some photos from Duffield press conference Here are some photos of the Duffield press conference on Monday taken by Diane Greene Lent. For more, click here. Posted by ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:09:00 GMT

Duffield Street Blog spot

Monday, March 17, 2008 The Quest for "it": The 227 Abolitionist Place Benefit The Quest for "it" has a bold-name run-down of the Duffield St. fundraiser on Feb. 29: The evening was attended by loya...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:52:00 GMT

HDC Honors Duffield Defenders

Friday, May 16, 2008 HDC Honors Duffield Defenders The Historic Districts Council honored the Duffield Street coalition yesterday at their 2008 Grassroots Preservation Awards. The event got off to ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:42:00 GMT