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A E L P H (pronounced "Elf") a.k.a. Aelfreeda Da Wolf is a multi-media artist, composer, performer and producer. The aim of the music made by Aelph is to I N S P I R E people to find FREEDOM, L O V E , SELF-EMPOWERMENT, M A G I C K and INTEGRITY within THEMSELVES, and to B O L D L Y CELEBRATE LIFE with PASSION, DELIGHT and I N F I N I T E SILLINESS, as if there's NO TOMORROW... N O W IS THE TIME!!!!!!!
The songs themselves are often laced with a certain amount of SARDONIC or JUST PLAIN F O O L I S H humour and frequently cast a wry look at the state of today's world and the IDIOTS who presume to run it, compared to the A W E S O M E BEAUTY OF NATURE and the CRAZY SPLENDOUR of a LIFE filled with LOVE and LAUGHTER, which pales PETTY TYRANTS into INSIGNIFICANCE with its I M M E N S E
The songs are also MANTRAS for all the DIFFERENT STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS and SITUATIONS one finds oneself in in this INFINITELY STRANGE and NEVER-ENDINGLY W I E R D little thing called LIFE!
Aelph likes to make each song U N I Q U E , and gives each one the sounds and rhythms that fit the mood of the number - Labeling is nigh impossible - SUCK 'EM AND SEE!!!
(Apparently the music industry demands that you describe your music in a FIXED GENRE or two, otherwise you are DOOMED TO OBSCURITY... however, Aelph is of the opinion that some of us don't fit into NEAT LITTLE BOXES!!!)
Aelph's band consists of two members, herself, Aelph Edgewood and Keiran Nelson. Mr Nelson is a Splendid guitar-smith; his styles of playing seem to perfectly compliment Ms Edgewood's voice, which varies from track to track.
The songs featured on this page are from the Album
S T A T E O F I N D E P E N D A N C E ,
which is Aelph's first album.
Here are some of the Ingredients, Inspirations, Angels, Androids, Villains, States, Phenomena etc that have gone into the making and baking of this album:-
Aelph-Composer, producer, arranger, vocals, pianos, synths, guitar, drums, beats, samples, etc... Keiran Nelson-Guitar on tracks 3, 6, 7 & 8, Bass guitar on track 2. Ulric Lyons-guitar on tracks 1 & 4. Getting into Action, transcending time, smashing prison bars, inter-galactic space-travel, Mars, moving beyond all limitations, dancing away fears, sorrow disappearing, the impeccable warrior, alchemy, the phoenix rising from the ashes, unstoppable courage, waking up from the tv, fashion, fast-food nightmare, the Lords of Greed and Doom, subservience, sheep-like behaviour, planetary devastation, consuming poisons (eating shit), chemical crap, the God of Money, animal welfare, the beast that screams and bleeds, Mother Nature's voice whispering from deep inside - can you hear her? Declarations of personal Independence, Universal Law, no authority figures needed, burning volcanoes, forces of nature, cocaine overlords, megalomaniacs, wining and dining in new Eden, Heaven on Earth without power-tripping tyrants, freedom from martyrdom and shame, riding the wild tiger, Industrial Revolution Pollution Solutions, nuclear waste being dumped into the sea, Children inheriting the aftermath, wise Starbeasts arising, Earth Power, Being trapped in a cage of made of fears, needing to find key within one's self in order to unlock the cage, Loss of voice, suffocating, Hummingbirds, watching other birds flying, longing for freedom, finding self-esteem, the Voice of the Sea, whispering from deep inside and calling in the rising and falling tides, wishing that people would stop poisoning her and her children, the door of the soul, life-blood, thunder, rain, The Blade Runner, Roy Batty, tears in the rain, not wanting to die, feeling eternally lost and alone, awareness of unique perspective and memories, being one of a kind, the slavery of fear, memories of pain, shame, sadness, guilt and fear, transcending through contact with the Angel, the right to shine your light, overcoming shyness, expressing joy, being here now, being visible, never fading, life's here to enjoy, spread your wings, sing your songs of joy, letting go...surrendering to love, sweet surrender, let it go, let it flow, time to shine...
For More info about the Strange and Enchantingly I N F U N D I B U L A R World of Aelph,
and to listen to some some more of Aelph's tunes
check out the top friends below called
A E L P H (funnily enough!) and
A E L F R E E D A D A W O L F .
P.S.In the words of my dear friends EAT STATIC,
(In a way, of course!!!)
STAY S P L E N D I D !!!!!!! xXxXxXx ;-)