envision the woman that you want to be. then take the steps you need to take to get there. change is a slow process, but it is the only thing constant. you decide the direction. peace, love, and understanding all come from within. once you feel it for yourself, you can feel it in the world around you. you will never see me angry. not because i am better than you, or different from you. but because i am you. the second that i learned that there is a chance that i might die alone, is the second that i learned to completely live alone. i am writing a book about my never ending path towards enlightenment, and self discovery.
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the best way to get to know me is through the words that i write. and i write a lot of words. but most of them i will never share. my life is magical. i think that i might be a fairy. people are my art. i get it.My new blog for all those i dont get to talk to as much as i would like to http://kendaldebellis.blogspot.com/
"It is only through creative understanding of ourselves that there can be a creative world, a happy world, a world in which ideas do not exist." - Krishnamurti