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Firefighting, Girls, sports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFSports board Get this widget!What is a Firefighter? Their the person next door, .... a person with the memory of a little child. They never got over the excitement of engines and sirens and smoke and danger. They are people like you and me with warts and worries and unfilled dreams. Yet they stands taller than most of us. They are Firefighters. They put it all on the line when the bell rings. A Firefighter is at once the most fortunate and the least fortunate of people. They are people who saves lives because they have seen too much death. They are gentle because they have seen too much of the awesome power of violent forces out of control. They are responsive to a child's laughter because their arms have held too many small bodies that will never laugh again. They are people who appreciates the simpler pleasure of life, .... hot coffee held in numbed, unbending fingers, .... the flush of fresh air pumping through smoke and fire convulsed lungs, .... a warm bed for bone and muscle compelled beyond feeling, .... the camaraderie of other brave Firefighters, .... the divine peace of selfless service and a job well done in the name of all men and women. They don't wear buttons or wave flags or shout obscenities. When they march, it is to honor a fallen comrade. They don't preach selflessness, duty, and honor. They live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A choice is a decision that we have the option to make, but a hero's choice is a decision that's made for another's sake.They became firefighters not for the pay or uniform and knew what they might have to face in the duties they'd perform.And on September 11th, two-thousand and one, though their worst fears came true, they did what had to be done.In the chaos and terror and rush of the mob, headfirst they proceeded to accomplish their job.Through air thick with flame, they felt the vibration, but made a hero's choice to enter ...without hesitation.Aware this decision could mean from earth they'd depart, each made a hero's choice by following his heart.Although hundreds went in, their guidance was heard as one voice and thousands live today because they made...a hero's choice.Every firefighter's limb that bears a burn or a scar represents what they do and defines who they areand the steadfast union they share where it's understood... that it's more than a job; it's a sacred brotherhood.On that fateful day in September, they proved this to be true… When a firefighter's skin is cut, he bleeds red, white and blue.Along with grieving for their loss, let us also rejoice that each firefighter left this earth because he made ...a hero's choice.Flashover Flashover

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Anyone in the Fire Service or who cares to talk to me.Box 59 Box

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Anything with a good beat.


any movie with Adam Sandler ,Backdraft, Ladder 49


Hockey, Football, Sometimes Basketball and Baseball, 24 and thats pretty much it.The StoogesThe Stooges Disorder in the CourtJeff Dunham compilation 1Jeff Dunham compilation 2REDSOXSignRS signThe Slowskys


Not much a reader unless it is something fire service releated!!!!!!!!!!!


My Grand Father, Fire fighter's, Police Officer's and the Men and Women of the Armed Forces.FDNY 343FlagPatchBannerBoston Ladder 25Boston Engine30