Whatever happens to intrigue me at the moment.
Too many to list......One that sticks out, I guess, is Gavin Newsome, the mayor of San Francisco. It seems like he's the only one who will really stand up and tell our joke of a president NO!!!!!!!!
HOUSE! I still love some trance, breaks, the works ya know... but house is my love. Actually, I love music, it gives me the most inspiration of anything else.
I like Fantasy the best. I guess next would be mysteries. David Lynch always puts out a mysteriously creepy and awesome flick.
Unfortunately, I have gotten a little too into the flood of ridiculous reality TV shows. I mean, they're addictive, I can't help it.
I don't read NEARLY enough.. (bad I KNOW).. mostly just magazines....
Bill Clinton.... as a prez, he geared this nation in a direction that it needed to be going, only to be derailed by the Bush Dynasty... How awesome, again, were the 90's????