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*Soy Erin Harris y apruebo este mensaje!* 'Sup? I'm Erin! I'm incurably spacey and really obsessed with Japan. And really short, which means that I can't reach things on the shelf at stores, and have to buy special short-inseam pants, but I totally represent when it comes to hide and seek. I'd rather burn out than fade away. I'm a big sucker for flattery! I'm bored if I'm not doing a lot of things at once. Ay, oh, Let's Go! I actually like hitting the gym. Not quite at Arnold levels ("Pumping iron to me is as satisfying as cumming when I have sex with a woman!"), but enough to keep me paying the fees every month. This is very lucky, because I love eating, too. I'm in straight up, unadulterated LOVE with everything food-related. Except for the usual suspects: cold pasta salad, mushrooms, and freshwater fish... None of which belong on the favorites list of any sane person. I'm comically inept at anything involving espionage/sneaking/stealth. People fascinate me. I love them. I'm real social and super-talkative. I'm truly terrible at math, and immediately like other people who are, too (Fuck you, Pythagoras. Fuck you.) Imma tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, granola munchin', intensely-spiritual-but-not-religious, drug-takin', free-lovin' hippie. However, I still shave. And ride places in cars. And actually don't take as much affront as I should when people say un-PC things. I love spontaniety (sp??)I really believe in Karma. I've been getting more into the reflection/meditation/different worldview circuit lately. I get all pensive and withdrawn, but it's probably good for me. I love spicy food. It makes me cry. Oh, man, how I sorely, sorely wish I had been alive to experience the '60s and the '70s. The Summer of Love and Woodstock both seem incredible. I'm a DDR fiend. Even though you can just say nuh-uh to me beating anything over standard level, it's my favorite way to use up quarters (Kay- second. Quarters is number one): "Lalalalalalove shieeeeeneyeyeyeyeYEAH!" Actually, Guitar Hero, too. What is it with me and automated music? I like people who are proud of their heritage. (Ireland represent! Mmmmhmm! I feel so lucky. I got the ancestors who are famous for their drinking, being as stubborn as mules with their blood on fire- when they ain't at Sunday mass-, being amazing rebels, and painting themselves blue, eating toadstools, and going totally apeshit) I'm a grammar stickler. Don't even think of doing the whole Oxford comma/inappropriate apostrophe/ending sentences with prepositions thing. I'll go medieval on your ass :] I play the clarinet. I'm not very good at it (kay, verging on awful), but there's always this certain joy in doing things badly, with reckless, halfassed abandon, so there we go.I think that Vivaldi's Double Concerto may be my favorite thing to play. It sounds like you should be hobnobbing in some gilded, Versailles-style, mucky-muck sitting room, eating really fancy canapés and playing chess with humans. “Knight! Get yo black ass over to E7!”. Fancy coffee is amazing. It's gonna be my financial ruin, I just know it. I really don't like it when people insist on planning everything out. "OK, so, the night will go as follows...." are soo not words I like to hear.I kind of think there's something to the Law of Attraction. I'm really observant and remember things without trying. I can be a bitch to argue with, because I will bring up these conversations from years past that no one except me remembers. I've had something like 5 jobs. I've been, uhh, pretty terrible at all of them, always stapling my hands and yelling, "FUCKING COPY MACHINE!!!" into the phone. I have no idea what I actually want to do with my life, job-wise. I don't know what geneticists go, but their jobs sound important and cool. I like the idea of journalism, too. Psychology? Chef-ism? Serial Killing? Bartending? Exotic Dancing? Madame-to-the-Stars? Drug Runner? Dreadlocked ACLU lawyer? Crazy Save-the-Trees wacko activist? Cockfighter? OB/GYN? Shamaness? It's depressing to think that I only have a few odd years to choose. I can be, by turns, really self-deprecating and cocky as hell. I like watching football,( The Colts, they's my team! Mmhmm! That's right, Lovie Smith! You can shove it!) Having said that, though, I don't always know what's going on. I'm like, "40 yard line? What in the sam hell is that? Fuck! Who's number 4 again?" I mean, I can appreciate a good televized sporting event. Just don't ask me what's what. I'm a diehard optimist. I love animals. I have a portly she-pug, a demented Scottish Fold (that is nice for the 10 minutes before I feed it and then wanders around moaning like a Vietnam War vet the rest of the time), and a groovy affectionate mut-cat (Lily- like Tomlin, Yentl- like the movie, and Pickle- like the snack food) They're cuties. I don't rack up points in the self-control department. Whoops. I like philosophy. And drinking games (especially the fact that anything can be turned into a drinking game. Trivial Pursuit? Cranium Cadoo? Monopoly? C-SPAN? I'm in!) . I'm a total music obsessor -but who doesn't say that?- and get down to everything from Chopin to E40... I love to cook. I think I already said that, actually. Whatevz. Truth be told, I end up burning stuff incredibly often, because I get distracted way easily. "Ooh! What is that interesting thing over there?" But when I'm not being ADD and harness my energy and focus on one thing, I can make one mean meal. Above all, I don't like mean, douchey, ignorant people. So, ya know, not surprisingly, I don't like George Bush. (Side note: I love Bushisms. Because, c'mon, IS our children learning? Or are we just misunderestimatin' them? I think it's time to call President Poutine!) I'm such a hardcore liberal. I think Ann Coulter is a HORSEFACE TRANNY SLUNT and I want to share a plate of nachos with Hilary Clinton. Barack Obama has got me totally ensnared in his cult (Tho I won't be able to vote 'til 0hTwelve). Global warming scares the hell out of me. I'm a member of PETA but can't stop eating crabcakes and coq au vin. I really would be a vegetarian if I had the willpower, but I just can't say no to a big fatty baseball cut steak. End of story DD: I heart reading: books, magazines, you name it. I don't think I'm ever not reading a book. At any one time, I might've just come from robbing a Barnes and Noble (sidenote: Or a Sephora. Or a Staples. I carry around SO MUCH unnecessary shit with me). I'm addicted to Perez Hilton and his cohorts. Yeah, I think that lampooning people that viciously with so much negativity is not good. But I start to feel withdrawal symptoms if I'm not checkin' the Headline of the Weak. Tabloids= literary crack (and are just about as sophisticated). I'm in love with being outside. Almost everything's (;D) better al fresco. I'll take a picnic over indoor noshing any day of the week, and I like to go hiking and backpacking and skiing (alpine, but I'm dying to try XC) and river-floating... Most people are surprised when they find that out. Guess I seem like I'm kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I love how the stillness of nature reaches out and *grabs* you and silently demands your attention. Hell, I live in Montana. It's underpopulated and mountainous and tree-dense and gorgeous. The non-outdoorsy people I know who live here are kind of miserable. I blush a lot, often for no apparent reason. This has lead to some really awkward, Three’s Company-esque situations where people assume that I'm lying/want their bod/etc. I love parties. I can't wait until I get a passable fakie, 'cause I love bars too. I think that the intricacies of language are fascinating: there's something about the varagies of how we speak that just does it for me. I can kinda do the German-speakin' thing. Not, like, fluently, but well enough to make myself understood and even not get myself dumbass-obnoxious-North-American-scum snickers- sometimes. (Case in point: one time, in Munich, I accidentially announced to a whole restaurant full of people that I can't get it up. I meant to say that it's chilly ouside. Whoops!) Spanish is a lot more sporadic. I'm not quite a Latinophone: Mostly, I know insults and how to ask for beer, hot sex, and my bud seed-free. Also, Daddy Yankee song (Dame mas gasolina!!) has been on repeat in my head since it came out. I'm taking Spanish this year, though, so check back in a month or two and my linguistic prowess MAY just knock your socks off (or maybe all I'll know is "Hola, putas!") My friends are some amazin' people- I lovelovelove them, too. They're responsible for molding me into the person I am, and I'm in awe of what incredible, fantasmo, gorgeous, fabbadabbadoo, chicka-wow, de puta madre, bitchin', pimpster, brazilliant, and CHRON-DON people they all are. I'm super-social, and I wanna get to know YOU!ps- If you read this all the way through, you get the fattest, maddest props. I KNOW it's too long and way disorganized and tus ojos están probable-mente SMOKING from the effort that it took to read this mad long bitch. Hmm. I think I overdid it. So, what's new?"Yet still in her darkness doth Erin lie sleeping, Still doth the pure light its dawning delay" - Thomas Moore, 'Song of Fionnuala' (I like songs with my name in them. Egotistical? Apallingly so. But true? Hellz to the yizzah)

My Interests

I like: you, and sex (ees niiiiiice!),parties, board games, the phrase "Yippie ki-yay, motherfucker", swearing, gettin' high and mumblin' German fables (specifically that first one), PiMp Shooz, mixed drinks and strange, import beer, skiing, the INCRED mofos that are my friends, backpacking, snowball fights, being delightfully white trash (Holla at my boy Jerry), .. shopping, movies, Thirsty Thursday, mojito gum, the insult douchebag, adventures, going on walks with Jodler and Jasper, (The best two JNs), obscure pop cultural references, music, being scared/spooktacular goodness, (haunted houses? Yes, please!) swimmin', that crazy little thang called love, meditating, getting compliments (I'm sorry, but it's true), giving compliments, fireworks, the grrrreat outdoors, making messes, learning stuff, languages, boozin', expanding my consciousness, prescription painkillers, cricket, thunderstorms, tanning (I'm part of the increasingly small demographic of people who'll risk melanoma for a bronzed self),a lot of verbs that end with the preposition "out" (working, making, walking it, freaking, eating ==don't be a pervert), quasi-Spanish phrases like "Muy Erotico!", trying to be a good person, change (the in-transit kind. Not the kind that makes you spend the day jingling like Father Christmas and lets the cashwhores at Coinstar get richer and richer) smartassedness, rollercoasters, trying to get closer to whatever the wacky, wonderful divine may be, cuddling, foreign cuisine, traveling (Dream destinations: India, Ireland, Thailand, Nepal, Peru, the Patagonia, New Zealand, Croatia, Tahiti, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, Brazil, China, etc.), Supersoaker battles, being nocturnal, old-school videogames, old-school Nickelodeon (goddamn, I miss Rocko and Pinky and Arnold), the word old-school, getting my freak on, acoustic guitar, long words, hot guys , waterslides, caramel apples, riding my rainbow and cherry-blossom covered bicycle around the 'hood, rockclimbing (I've only ever done it on the plastic thing. I'd love to try it for real), finding out new things, big sunglasses, shaking my groove thang, sitting by the fireplace when it's cold out, jumping into the river when it's hot out, inside jokes, cannabis sativa or indica (Oh, you know you do too), laughing my ass off, spontanaiety (sp??),old Disney movies, small children, dogs, gummy candy, lazy brunches, Diet Coke, stickin' it to the man, scandals (in which I am not embroiled), caipirinhas, chunky jewellry, doing shots (only in party mode, though. I mean, that's not how I imbibe every day. Swear.), incense, food on a stick, mackin' on boiiiiiiz, Spring and Summer, hallucinogens, pranks, astrology (I don't care how passé it is. I check my horoscope. And I do what that shit says. Leo/Virgo Cusp Power!!! Jesus, from a scientific standpoint, that's pretty shameful.), VW vans, tie dye, hats with huge feathers on, and people watching.I sho'nuff do not like: Finding out that I pronounce words incorrectly (highlights include years-long inclusions of the "b" in "subtle", the "re" in "macabre", a mysterious "n" between the first "i" and the "c" in "vicinity", and another mysterious "x" where the "sc" is in "escape"), when the hems of my pants get all sopping from walking around in the snow/rain, white people who are obsessed with dreamcatchers and wear teal sweatshirts with wolves on them, unnecessary mean-ness, the majority of modern country music, bad trips, the word cunt (not 'cause I'm a manhating, hairy, vajayjay POWAH feminist. It just, I dunnno, gets to me.) pasta salads, freshwater fish (I love all other seafood. Bring on the lobster/shrimp/crab/scallops/squid/octopus/conch/clams/oyste r shots. Just not the fish.), really dry wine, being groggy, pretense, The Mall Of America (SO MANY PEOPLE. SUCH RAMPANT CONSUMERISM. Urgh. Eatshopeatshopeatshop) extremists, mom jeans, people who say "Eye-Rack" instead of "Ear-Rock", Tom Cruise, self proclaimed ganj "connoisseurs" ("What a superbly robust sativa...ahh...smooth finish") the cartoons in The New Yorker- not funny, puking (tho who does?)and, when I'm overseas, most other Americans. " I believe, if we take habitual drunkards as a class, their heads and their hearts will bear an advantageous comparison with those of any other class. There seems ever to have been a proneness in the brilliant and warm-blooded to fall into this vice." - Abe Lincoln
Your Inner European is Irish!
Sprited and boisterous!
You drink everyone under the table. Who's Your Inner European?100% ALCOHOLIC

I'd like to meet:

get lucky

My Blog

C’mon, getcha OM on

So, I decided.  I really like my meditation class.  I like how it forces me to sit still and make my mind shut the fuck up and, in turn, recieve insights that have to do with things less tri...
Posted by .eman♥ on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:46:00 PST

Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?

The latest subject of Mizz Erin’s Monophonic Metaphysical Meltdown: things. Posessions.  There’s this lingering suspicion way up in my cabeza that, somewhere along the way, I am ...
Posted by .eman♥ on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:35:00 PST

Hello, Darkness, my old friend

...I’ve come to talk with you again.  God, aren’t Simon and Garfunkel OGs? So, I’m feeling a lot a lot a lot better.  You know, still goofy and weird and maybe not all ther...
Posted by .eman♥ on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:43:00 PST

Soft Spoken With A Broken Jaw

Life is proceeding as usual.  I got bitched out at work for wearing shorts and exposing more than my alotted pound of flesh.  Sunday Night Fights: Erin’s House  centered on whose ...
Posted by .eman♥ on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 09:28:00 PST

Don’t ever let it go

That’s it. You can wallow, or you can not. I’m all cried out and don’t wear sadness well. I need to choose to not.  Damn, is it hard.
Posted by .eman♥ on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 07:45:00 PST

My loss? My lesson? You fucking kidding?

So, whoever invented long weekends deserves a prime spot in heaven. Hell, they deserve THE prime spot in heaven (which, more likely than not, involves getting blown by stripper-esque angels).  My...
Posted by .eman♥ on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 04:54:00 PST

There’s just somethin’...

...about getting down and dirty en la cocina that lifts my spirits immensely.  It's like chemistry without the weak sauce, playing an instrument without the technicalities, and, OK, there's somet...
Posted by .eman♥ on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:09:00 PST

Oh, lordy, Im bored-y

)1 List 15 things that you want to say to 15 different people, but never can or will.2) Don't say who they are.3) Never discuss it again.4) No order. Just random.   1. At first, I though you were...
Posted by .eman♥ on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 05:10:00 PST

The name of the game is TAG

Mmhmm, KushmAn done did it. He tagged me. Basically, when you get tagged, you have to divulge 10 little-known details of your fabulous life.  And then you tag 10 more people, (and, for god's sake...
Posted by .eman♥ on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 07:48:00 PST