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you weren't like the others
so i chose you & your
true colors, babey.
my names ashley
im one nocturnal giirl.
i've only been truely inlove, once.
ii say chingou alot
i only trust valerie, gaby, kim, janie, aileen.
when im mad i curse alot!!
i hate it when people lie to me,
or dont tell me the full truthh
im terrified of bugs & roaches
i love to dance anywhere
i dont trust people easily.
i laugh for any little thing,
my buttcrack is always showing
i hate talking to boring people
i hate when people dont show any emotion
im attatched to my phone,
i like when people tell me stories
i like all types of music,
i have a big imagination & huge dreams & expectations
dont judge me on rumors u've possibly heard
im always smiling & zoning out
butt i do have my serious side
my laughs crazzy
when ii know what i want, i want it.
im not a bad driver.
my room tells alot about me
im a vegetarian, & an animal freak!
my gut feelings about people are usually always right.
i hate policemen! :<[br />
ash-what the hell are you doing?!
kim-shall i continue?!
ash-do u want me to piss on your hand!
haha [insidder]