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Tubish (or not to bish)

About Me

..Welcome reader!Since u're here, it must be because u are somewhat interested in knowing who I am. And probably mostly in what the heck it is I do.My name is Jasper.When I was young I used to adore Black and Doom metal, darkness was my favourite time of day and beer my most wanted drink. The best way to combine those three things was to get a job in a squatters-bar, which I did....Working late hours, getting drunk all the time, serving drinks to other drunks, I met up with some dudes who started telling me how good they felt going to ‘Acid-Parties’. Every single one of them was even vaguer then I, but I thought what the heck…One weekend I went along, leaving my job for what it was worth, and had a really good time with all those pounding beats, screeching noises and good looking girls. I decided I would go more often to see if that pounding would catch me by surprise someday, but it never did.Playing Metal in the bar and buying Acid, Techno and Trip hop for at home, it all seemed strange.One day it was made possible for me to make a Punk slash Metal program at an illegal local radio station (Radio Rataplan). I took that opportunity with both hands! Doing my show for about six months I tried something dare-devilish; I start playing soft trance and more of that kind, and look-eh-here! I get positive reactions from the ‘listeners’, they like that strange mix I play every Thursday-evening.One thing led to the other, and for the next seven years I had a show called DC Bells, mixing every bit of the most out of the ordinary music I could find every week for two hours. My taste in music evolved so to say, from that lame acid beat to my current favourite; Electronics.Time has been good to me, I made me some money, bought me a nice computer-system and a pretty ok stereo with some big ass speakers. Got me some music making software and started working on my own sound.TUBISH was born.It’s hard for a man with no music making background to figure out how to do better then all that music u played for several years.My first album (only available on tape) proves that I knew what I wanted, but didn’t know how to do it. Compression? What’s that? Filters? What to do with that? It was all click-click-click and play…I figured it would be best to find me a job in the TV-industry, so I could just make short sounds, and do nothing else than that. But instead I decided not to give up so easily.I went on making music, but never did anything with it, except playing it on my own radio show and at home for my friends.About a year later the radio station had to quit under political pressure, and there I was… Alone with a huge collection of strange music and sounds, nothing left but two cases filled with tapes of most of my shows. What to do next?Luckily a friend of mine (The Smoke Cella) was busy starting a collective of musicians and asked me if I was willing to put some time and energy in it. And maybe to let my own shit be known…That Collective is LOMECHANIK.And here I am… Five albums later…Thank u for your time, and have fun listening to all the songs!Tubish is a member of Lomechanik.(Dutch) Lomechanik is een electronica collectief annex label bestaande uit gelijkgestemden met een voorliefde voor het experiment. Lomechanik wil niks anders dan iedereen laten horen hoe vet, ranzig, booming en booty hun verknipte Glitz en Beats zijn om het publiek op het verkeerde been te zetten en met pounding electronics de voetjes van de vloer trekken zonder ook maar enige concessie aan te gaan....daar waar Tubish iedereen laat wegdromen in een psychic dream van verknipte ideeen en mooie landschappen… real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .

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Member Since: 2/3/2008
Band Website: lomechanik.com/?page=artists&id=6
Band Members: Jasper Elbers
Influences: Tigerbeat6, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Brian Eno, Vladimir Ussachevsky, The Black Dog, Chris Clark, PSI Performer, Boards of Canada, Why?
Sounds Like: Odd to have a Sounds as with no sound at all? :)
Record Label: Lomechanik
Type of Label: Indie

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Posted by Tubish on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 03:03:00 PST