Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn
Your Name
You Are A: Sex-slave
Your Favorite Band/Song Garth Brooks - Thunder Rolls
You Like To Read: Cheap porn
You Firmly Believe In: Abstinence
Everyone Thinks You Are: The coolest person in history
You Were Conceived: Underwater
You Will Marry: Your current boy/girlfriend
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen !
Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Blinque's Syndrome
Cause: computer virus
Symptoms: whitening of teeth, hearing voices, mildly stripey spots
Cure: trepanning
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:
My ultra sexy ethnic stud-muffin name is Gregorio Rodriguez.
Take The Ethnic Stud Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey 's Name Generator Generator .
Are You Damned?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
You're the cheerful smile,the one that's truly
happy with almost everything you do and would
never cahnge your life.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla