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Jeff DeBonis

About Me

I teach guitar, bass, and piano around clarksville MD. When I am not spending time with my wife and dog, I am usually jamming with Ian Allen. He also teaches guitar and bass in Columbia MD. Our group, the DeBonis/Allen Duo performs all over the Baltimore /Washington area. This format has allowed us to play music for many types of social events(Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Baptisms, suprise parties, graduations,and BBQ's). We play a mix of covers and original tunes which we have arranged for two acoustic guitars. Recently, Ian and I, decided to add some vocals to the duo, in order to expand our live performance opportunities. We recruited Christine Dunn, who I met in 2002, after answering an add for musicians to form a band. Fortunately we maintained contact over the years and the addition of her voice to the DA Duo's acoustic sound had been a refreshing change. I am in the process of scouring the Balt/wash area to find suitable venues to perform at. We hope to see you out and about:) The Jeff DeBonis Band began performing In the Wilmington, NC area in 1998. We perofrmed at many of Wilmington's best venues over approximately three years. Unfortunately,the project was halted after moving back to my hometown in MD in 2001. Now that life is settling in again I am in the process of recording all my originals tunes in the hope of reforming the band. We'll see what happens! Teaching music is my passion. I love passing on the knowledge that I have acquired over the years. Seeing and hearing the success of my students over the years has been greatly rewarding. Teaching is not only a means for making my living, but a constant personal challenge and reminder to myself that I am also an eternal student. Thanks to all the teachers that have helped me along the way, on my journey through the magical world of music! Music feeds my soul. Without it I would surely go insane. I mean MORE insane:) a href=

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Blueshine(1995-1997) Jeff DeBonis Band(1998 -2001) DeBonis/Allen Duo --(2003 - infinity) Ian Allen(guitar) J.D. (guitar) D/A Duo featuring Christine(2008)
Influences: anything that makes noise, silence, the vibration of life. :):):):):):):):):) My guitar teachers- Bob Russell, Paul Wingo, Steve Abshire, Steve Herberman, Gerry Kunkel, Skip Grasso and Ken Foberg (all around musical and personal inspiration!)
Sounds Like: MUSIC.
Type of Label: Major

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