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About Me

Shane, I like chillin and roaming the streets with my three best freinds. I don't back down from what I beleive in but you can change my mind if you have the logic to back it up. Knowledge to me is everything, it's the very surface of our abilities. I believe that knowledge is what gives you the ability to, at least in time, overcome anything. Show me something deep, that can be proven, and I'll never forget it. Tell me something with the smallest posiblity of it being wrong, I'll discard it until further notice. I'm very good at second-guessing myself because I'm always looking at how one thing could easily be something else. I'm very good at keeping to myself unless what is done or said effects me personaly, the exception of course being freinds or family, but only if my assistance is nescessary.

My Blog

The End of The World

Recently most of us have seen the documentaries of Nostradamous and the Myans, all refering to 2012 as being the end of this world as we know it. This time is supposed to indicate a heavy eclipse duri...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 00:33:00 GMT

what I've seen, but will never know

caffeine pills and overexaustion seem to have driven me towards this new blog.. My life has changed exceptionally since the move. Deffinity for the better of general well being as I am finally occupie...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 02:06:00 GMT

different perspectives

    During your lifetime and the things you go through you develope your own perspective. A perspective could be deep, like what you think of someone, or it could just be based on how y...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 23:10:00 GMT

man dominates man to his injury

In this world, this system of things and this way of living, we have no choice but to give up a majority of natural freedoms. Because of simply being too dug into this way of living and too uneducated...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 09:02:00 GMT

random blog, hah

why do some of us know our flaws, but decide not to change them? You start an arguement through your own problems not even realizing its your fault untill the very end of the fight, or maybe you never...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:56:00 GMT

if your always right, you should read this

all opinions, or what we may portray as facts, can be met with oppositionweather the opposition is true or false you may never knowwhat history tells can contradict itselfstories can have no proof tha...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 21:36:00 GMT