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About Me

Hello, I am Angelo "AngelGore" D'ELIA (TERREMOTO). I am Italian and I am the drummer to E V I R A T E D (Brutal) and to DARK UNFATHOMED (SymphonicBlackMetal). I studied drums at the school AMM (Modern Academy of Music) in Piacenza with Franco ROSSI (who has worked with Mike MANGINI, Steve SMITH, Billy COBHAN etc..). I like to play Extreme Music, especially Death Metal, Brutal and Grind. My favorite groups are: NILE, BEHEMOTH, BELPHEGOR, HATE ETERNAL, INCANTATION, OBITUARY, SIX FEET UNDER, SADUS, DIABOLIC, ABHORRENCE, REBAELLIUN, MENTAL HORROR, MORBID ANGEL, VOMITORY, CEPHALIC CARNAGE, BRUTAL TRUTH, NAPALM DEATH, MALEVOLENT CREATION, SLAYER, SUFFOCATION, NEUROSIS, DYING FETUS, DISGORGE (USA) and more.For Info: Angelo D'ELIA; Via F. Petrarca 14; 73010 Veglie (LE); Italy; Tel + 39 338 6867564; [email protected];

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All the Musical Bands that it listens/plays the Death Metal music and the yours derived.

My Blog

Ufficial Logo of EVIRATED

Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 13:15:00 GMT

Ufficial Logo of EVIRATED

Posted by on Sat, 16 May 2009 08:15:00 GMT