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Id tell you if youd like me to tell you.
Or do you already know.
A Monk to better my skills in Martial Arts... msprm name="movie" ..msprm name="movie"
lots of things
Pulp fiction,platoon,sleepwalkers,Bad Santa,Jay and silent Bob movies even the ones without Kevin Smith or Jason Mewes,Payback,jackie chan, and bruce Lee are fuckin champs,I like alot of movies.
Whatevers good. The TV shows America likes, if I ever have time to watch them.
Ive read lots of books pulp fiction,The wedding,clan of the cave bear,catcher in the rye,finnegans wake,rainbow six,redwall,The gates of thorbordan,books on cars,animals species,Mushroom species,snake species,spider species,astronmy,How money is made and this book shows photos and gives detailed descriptionson how money is created,The tommy knockers,Misery,Salems lot, Bram stockers dracula the complete and unbrigaged version, war of the worlds,websters dictionary even though I dont remember all the terms, RedWall,How to drop out of school and get a real life and education by former school teacher Grace Lyllen I think,Ive even read a few star wars books, Insomnia by Stephen King,Holy Bible,Bruce Lees method, valley of horses,North American Wildlife,Geez I can go on and on and on about this.
Familly and Friends are the most inportant trait anyone can have.