Spending time with friends, and making new ones. Creating Music, Playing records,, clubbing, 4x4, kayaking, camping, snowboarding, painting, playing guitar, and generaly living life.
Anyone, and everone
Anything, and everything. I love it all.
And never forget the BOP SKIZZUM. The only band to make me dance till I almost can't walk the next day!
Click the Funky Monkey to check out Bop Skizzums Myspace.
Seeing as I lost my cable for about a year I have become quite the movie watcher. Although I am sure I spent more on buying movies than I would to pay the cable bill. I prefer the comedies. But at the same time most horror flicks I think to be comedy. So whats that say?
South Park, Family Guy, Futurerama, Aquateen hunger force, Any thing adult swim. And Cops. For some odd reason I could watch cops day in and day out.
"I have to say my all time favorite book is Johnny Cash's autobiography Cash by Johnny Cash!" I do read I promise. My last three books were, The Simpons and Philosophy, Catch 22, Violent Ward.
You have to make your own choices. Take your own paths. Choose your own destiny. But I have the upmost respect and love for every Fire Fighter, and Rescue Team member, who are out there saving lives and risking their own for the public. For people they don't know.