Bboy Kyo profile picture

Bboy Kyo

I can do amazing things with my body and I can make a woman's body feel amazing ;)

About Me

I play Myspace apps I pretty much will add anything if I get enough invites(like at least 5) so yeah add me up I ain't gonna play if imma be weak haha Damn...I'm not doing too well financially at the moment...I'm bout to hit rock bottom...cuz right now I'm getting broke as fuck! I'm at a point where I'm practically living off my goddamn paychecks...ugh ain't that some bullshit! Damn I just gotta bide my time....I know my talent will someday make me famous or at least financially secure....then I'll be the one laughin' at all you fucks that doubted me and you bitches that didn't give a shit about me. I hate San Diego SD = sex depraved for me, all the girls I want are taken or don't want me ain't that a bitch! I have the shittiest luck and always attract women that live far away which is pretty useless =/ If I could I would relocate to where I'd be more appreciated...damn until then I must endure this bullshit! All the constant rejection is enough to drive a man crazy and go into isolation. This talent that I possess is the only thing that prevents me from submittin' to the stress. That's cuz when I bust or teach that's probably the only time people appreciate me or notice me other than that I don't really exist haha....I don't get it....I think I'm better lookin' than most ppl so what gives? I'm tired of hearin' the same ol' bullshit excuses so I've pretty much given up on tryin'. So if you think i'm hot or wanna talk or meet up drop me a message cuz I'm tired of puttin' in wasted effort. Anyway I'm pretty damn good on the dance floor....but I'm just as good if not better in bed ;) But seriously, I'm a fuckin' dancer I spend most of my time doin' it if you're not into that or that's gonna be a major issue then don't waste my time ya heard? If you're lookin' for someone to talk to I can talk but don't expect me to start the convo.
I don't really express my self through the vocal,
shit don't mean that I'm anti-social.
Just prefer to express myself through actions and motions,
it's just a better and more meaningful way to show my emotions.
As much as I love dancin', I HATE going to clubs that have dress codes, faggot dickhead security guards, and when they get so packed I can't even bust. Dress codes are gay simple as that, I hate security guards that don't let you break even though the crowd is diggin' it, probably jealous and shit cuz they can't do it, I hate when it's packed cuz seriously who wants to bump into some fuckin' guy n' shit? I only go for like special shit or if I'm busting there cuz the main reason I hit up clubs is to get laid. But naw I always go home empty handed I mean I dance w/ girls but seriously bumpin' + grindin' ain't shit...I want the real deal. Everyday that passes where I don't fuck is a wasted day naw mean? Hehe sorry if I come of as rude but yo, a lotta fucked up shit has been happenin' in my life constantly and I'm on my angry asian shit again and I just don't give a fuck! So yeh if there's any good lookin' women in San Diego that think they can handle this bad ass bboy then get at me!
Oh yeh be sure to rock Know clothing they have dope gear and I even model their clothes! Check out their myspace and website and add them up to stay updated cuz they're gonna be hot!
Also be sure to check out my friend Jessica's promotion at her salon she's really good with hair...I mean she made me hotter than I already am haha
I know there are a lot of fakers on this site. I dunno if anyone's tryin' to be me or anything but in case here's proof that I'm actually the real deal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. My real name's Christian but I am far from what a Christian should be. I'm foul-mouthed, I hate lots of things, I think lots of people are idiots. I guess you can say I'm kinda like Eminem(he's one of my favorite MCs) since he shows mad love for those that he cares about and extreme hatred to anyone that fucks with him. I'm like that too I'd do anything for those that I care about but if you piss me off or fuck with anyone close to me be prepared to feel my wrath. Heh maybe it's cuz we're both Libras. For the most part I've had a pretty fucked up life....I don't really talk about it much though. I don't believe in second chances. Last time I gave someone a second chance they used it to fuck me over no more of that shit. I don't forgive and I don't forget if you fuck me over I'll always remember that shit. I'm pretty much a loner....there aren't many people I can relate to or trust enough to open up to. So if I open up to you then you're one of the lucky few that get to see that side of me. Anyway life's a bitch but fuck it, and to anyone that has fucked me over....fuck you, you'll get yours you fuckin' sacks of shit and I hope that shit hits you hard. I'm also like Sol-Badguy, I don't give a fuck about what others think about me and I do whatever the hell I want. Don't like me...well fuck you I probably don't like your stupid ass anyway Anyone talking shit about me or anything like that, I ain't done shit to you so you better leave me the fuck alone and SUCK MY DICK that's my attitude towards anyone that has anything bad to say about me yeh bitch! I rarely get pissed off but shit if you piss me off you don't wanna fuck with me. Why? Cuz I'm bad...I'm the baddest motherfucker in the world when I'm pissed off and you don't want some of this shit. It's hard to earn my respect/trust but once you got it you'll know how awesome of a person I am. Thanks for checkin' out my page. I'm a pretty nice guy I guess... just don't give me an attitude or face my wrath.fuckin' work a lot but it ain't enuff to pay for my stupid bills. Yeh I got tons: stupid fuckin' credit cards, loans, and goddamn medical bills for a stupid allergic reaction that nearly killed me. That's why I work 5 different fuckin' jobs. But anyway I teach kids how to bboy/breakdance whatever you prefer to call it. I teach at a studio in chula vista called Danzaye Dance Studio. I also work for a non profit organization called Dancing After School where I teach at two different elementary schools. I teach adults hip hop dance at 2 different gyms and I work at a warehouse. I play audition but only for competitions my character's name is bboykyo he's buff as fuck. I think white women are extremely hot. Well anyway I can't think of anything else worth saying. Anyway drop me a msg if you wanna talk or something. Oh and I really hate it when people flake out or don't get back at you that's a bunch of bull.
I'm a pimp bitch dont be shy, show me them big tits
Your lipstick, i want it smeared all on my pimp dick
For instance, busting nuts is only my interest
So princess, don't get your feelings hurt cuz men jus
Partyin bullshit till she gargle and swallow my dick

My Interests

Breakdancin' / BBoyin'
Working out been doin' this shit since I was 13 been a part of my life ever since DDR I actually used to make routines but I don't do it anymore cuz there aren't any tournaments with really big prizes. This pix was from CBN 2003 and the 1st place prize was a 7th mix at the time too bad I didn't win I got 8th but not bad since about 70+ people entered the freestyle portion ,
going out w/ friends I have the most awesome friends ever cuz we're not afraid to do shit like this

I'd like to meet:

bgirls + bboys and gymnasts. Anyone who takes my dance classes or wants to learn from me.


Fast shit, breakbeats, hip hop, house and trance. But basically anything that'll make me wanna


No time for that..watching movies makes u fat


I don't really watch tv anymore


I don't have time to read


My Blog

Role Model?

Heh well I haven't blogged in like forever....but since I'm bored I guess I'll blog. So I just got back from work teaching a breakdance class at Otay Elementary. I've only been with these kids for a...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:52:00 PST

power moves and combos and shit

Here's some of my power moves/combos and shit. I was better before but I'm slowly workin' my way back. Got shittier due to fuckin' injuries...that's some fuckin' gay ass shit. yes they're gettin' hi...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 04:32:00 PST

hula hoopin' and hula humpin' fun haha

When I'm tired from breakin' or when I'm just bored I like to mess around with my hula hoop haha. I can hold this shit for a pretty long titi time. My record was like 10 min coulda went longer but I g...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:59:00 PST

Dance clips

So yeh in order to keep my page from crashin' people's comps I decided to put my dance clips on a blog and shit. I just put my favs up and I rarely practice style but if it looks semi-good I'll put it...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:06:00 PST

Interview with the zubat haha too funny so it's public

Haha dis is a funny interview with my friend "zubat" at SDSU da day before thanksgivin'.  I've known dis fool since jr. high and he is fuckin' weird as hell, perverted and very open-minded about ...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 01:21:00 PST

u guessed it.....more vids comment em dammit

Here's some more. I'm at skoo rite now tho and my vids are at home so I won't post em up till later. Plus my internet at home has been gay cuz it always fuckin' d/c's and da uploads are slo as fuck. I...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 09:45:00 PST

more vids yet again

Not many good videos now cuz I was tryin' new shit mainly headspin flare combo(shit is hard), elbowtrax, flare elbowtrax, windmill elbowtrax. I shoulda recorded my shit yesterday at da rec but I left ...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 10:32:00 PST

more vids

more power combos from da past two days(maybe i'll do style someday since my friend sed I should but dat shit is boring to me I told him da only way i'd practice dat shit is if I was gonna get sex...s...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 08:31:00 PST

pretty long blog about a girl at skoo need advice haha

So there's dis chick in my chem class dat I like.  I've been checkin' her out for a while now.  But I just barely started talkin' to her/introduced myself to her last week(monday 10/24).&nbs...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 10:25:00 PST

Halloween pix

I was Solbadguy for halloween.  It was koo ppl sed I looked tite cuz I looked like him.  Ppl at skoo who didn't kno who I was called me "sword guy" haha.  Some girls at skoo sed I was "cute" and they ...
Posted by Bboy Kyo on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 09:42:00 PST