Tyranny of Time profile picture

Tyranny of Time

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)http://a507.ac-images.myspacecdn .com/images01/48/l_a9040aa838c0524f483fece0e862668a.jpgBack in the late summer of 2004 lead singer Simone Gaddeo, guitarist/keyboarder Piero Sorrenti and drummer Max ‘Defender’ Moretti decided to create an heavy metal typed band, in the musical vein of bands as Labyrinth, Iron Maiden Judas Priest, Helloween, Dio and some Metallica. After a couple of sessions with various musicians in January of 2005 they found out the rest of the pack in bassist Simone Curatola and keyboarder Fabio Pusateri. The initial project was focused on a classic metal double guitars wall of sound but the skilled qualities of Fabio Pusateri pushed the band to keep the guitars/keyboards line up. Tyranny of Time started to compose and since the beginning Piero Sorrenti became the main compositor and band’s mastermind as the lyrics were a matter of Simone Gaddeo, Simone Curatola and Max. The first song the band ever composed was ‘Blast Wave’, a true adrenalinic classic metal tune. During the whole 2005 the band played a couple of live gigs in and out Rome and composed about ten songs, still not recording anything . A live in studio bootleg recording from that era was taped by the band and named ‘Live at Alagi 2005’ but the sound quality was on low standards. That’s the only recording from the first line up. In early 2006 Fabio Pusateri decided to leave the band and Tyranny of Time got back on the initial project to have a twin guitars line up; the new guitarist was Simone DiPietro. With Simone the band started to re-arrange the songs in a heavier and more complex way and his contribution has been fundamental to push the band to a more ‘progressive’, innovative and more thrashy approach. The new line up composed other new songs and in early 2008 they finally started to record their first studio work. The first song completely finished is ‘Tyranny of Time’, probably the most ambitious band’s song up to now. ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------Il progetto Tyranny of Time nasce nell’estate del 2004 quando Simone Gaddeo, vocals, Piero Sorrenti, Guitars e Keyboards, e Max ‘Defender’ Moretti, Drums, decidono di fondare una band con la quale suonare heavy metal di stampo classico con influenze power metal e thrash metal. Le bands di riferimento sono Iron Maiden, Labyrinth, Judas Priest, Helloween, Dio e Metallica. Dopo qualche mese passato ad effettuare prove con diversi musicisti nel Gennaio del 2005 la line up si stabilizza con l’ingresso di Simone Curatola al basso e Fabio Pusateri alle tastiere. Nonostante il progetto iniziale prevedesse una line up tipicamente heavy metal con due chitarre, le indubbie qualità tecniche di Fabio convincono la band a forgiare un sound basato sull’approccio chitarra/tastiera. I Tyranny of Time iniziano a comporre e sin dall’inizio Piero Sorrenti si pone come il principale compositore e master mind della band mentre i testi sono curati da Simone Gaddeo, Simone Curatola e Max. La prima song che vede la luce e’ ‘Blast Wave’, tipico brano di metal diretto e adrenalinico. Durante tutto il 2005 la band suona un discreto numero di gigs dentro e fuori Roma e compone circa 10 pezzi anche se ancora nulla viene registrato ufficialmente. Un live bootleg in studio chiamato ‘Live at Alagi 2005’ viene registrato e rimane l’unica testimonianza audio della prima line up. Nel marzo 2006 Fabio Pusateri decide di lasciare la band e i ToT tornano al progetto iniziale di avere una line up con due chitarre. Il nuovo chitarrista e’ Simone Di Pietro. Con l’ingresso di Simone la band inizia a riarrangiare le songs in chiave piu’ pesante ma al tempo stesso il sound si fa piu’ complesso; il contributo di Simone e’ fondamentale per rendere il sound più innovativo, ‘progressivo’ e decisamente thrashy La nuova line up compone nuove songs e all’inizio del 2008 iniziano a pianificare le registrazioni del primo demo cd. La prima song che vede la luce e’ ‘Tyranny of Time’, probabilmente il brano dei ToT piu’ ambizioso e ricercato.http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/3328/locandinaf estivalpiccolws0.jpg

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2008
Band Members: ..VOCALS, SCREAMS and SHOUTS: Simone GaddeoLEAD-RHYTM GUITAR, AXES: PieroSorrentiLEAD-RHYTM GUITAR, SWORDS: Simone Di PietroBASS and THUNDERS: Simone CuratolaDRUMS and EARTHQUAKES: Max Defender Moretti
Influences: power metal,hard rock,classic metal,trash,death
Sounds Like: Our sound is loud, heavy and brutal but still melodic and romantic. We could describe it as a mixture of different branches of heavy metal. Traces of classic metal, power, thrash and some hard rock forged into a true and genuine approach. Each one of us has different musical roots and different favourite bands; this is a short list of the bands that influenced us the most: Iron Maiden, Labyrinth, Metallica, Dokken, Dark Tranquillity, Judas Priest, Helloween, Dio, Crimson Glory, Testament, Stratovarius, Symphony X, Virgin Steele, Manowar.........The list could go on and on.
Record Label: Unsigned

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