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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a dude of modest means living in Dallas with my weak-bladdered Hell-Beast of a Lhasa Apso, Huxley. I share an apartment in Deep Ellum with my roommate and long-time friend Uncle Airyk. I used to be in a couple of bands - The Qlippoth and Feast - but now I just noodle on the guitar when I'm bored or hyperactive. I make movies under the Aegis of Hate City Pictures - my production company. Right now they're short, independent movies; but in time they'll be epic. I write, direct, and act. Yes act; and it's a lot harder than it sounds. I'm very close to my Mother's side of my family in New York as to my Father's side in Houston; but I'm very happy to be removed from them geographically. I prefer Dallas to Houston and Western NY. Though many of my formative years were spent closer to Canada than Mexico, I was born under the Lone Star and, after years of consternation, find myself proud to be a Texan. After living in Dallas for a decade I gave up my Buffalo Bills fandom in favor of the Cowboys. For this I'm certain my northern kin think of me as a race traitor. I prefer Shiner Bock to Zeigenbock out of principal - it's not creative marketing, it's Texan beer. I like to cook - a gift from my Dad's side of the family: he's a chef and my grandmother was the greatest cook that ever graced the world. I miss her. I curse like I was raised by a British sailor. I was. It took me a long time to come round to appreciating my blue collar roots. I'm proud to have inherited my Grandfather's union ring. Though I live in the reddest of states where it's practically irrelavent, I am a staunch supporter of labor unions. My politics don't fall into any well defined category. I am at times liberal, conservative, socialistic, communistic, authoritarian, permissive, et cetera. I prefer to think of myself as a pragmatist, but those probably don't really exist in this world. I dislike religion. There may be a God, or several, but I see no reason to seek out a relationship with him/her/it/them like some deity fanboy. That said, I do occasionally look to a higher power but probably not in the way you'd think. I consider myself a nerd and wear that title like a badge of honor. I work in IT and travel a lot - a fact I lament as it estranges me from the aforementioned Hell-Beast and has a possibly stunting impact on my forming film career. Though I personally enjoy the occasional cigar I think cigarette smoking is among the most vile and banal preoccupations of the modern world. It stands next to ethnic cleansing in my list of "what the fuck are you thinking?" activities. But I oppose smoking bans. They are next to fascism in that same list. And even though I oppose both smoking bans and zoning laws I breathe a sigh of relief that the city I live in has both. That may sound hypocritical but I can live with that. I don't believe that girls poop. I refuse to believe it. Even if you see this as a delusion, please respect I hold to its truth as if it were the unified theory that holds the universe together. I don't believe the the Civil War was about slavery. It was about slavery about as much as the war in Iraq is about terrorism. The Union was principally wrong for disregarding the Confederacy's sovereignty. Thank God they did. The War of Northern Agression stands as testament to the fact that, in certain cases, violence does solve problems. I revile that fact. Violence, and even the necessity of violence, is something that should be far behind the human race. I'm ashamed that it's not. I take responsibility for it. As should everyone else. I haven't shopped at Wal-Mart in three years. I urge others to refuse shopping there. Globalism is a Faustian arrangement. Trade agreements cause as many problems as they solve and the resulting waves of immigration are a simple geographic redistribution of the sum of problems. Immigration is a Human Rights issue, not an American issue. I think we Americans should get over ourselves. Rome fell and so will we. I float between being the Tiger and the Lamb. I haven't seen enough of the world. I have a horrible revulsion towards wet paper, which is among the most disgusting things on Earth; and towards those fucked up hand puppets that people make by putting lipstick on their hands and moving their thumbs to make them talk.

My Blog

19 Years Ago Today

December 15, 1989. The fifteen-year-old version of myself came to live with my grandparents in Chatsworth, California - close enough to be called LA.December 15, 2008. The thirty-four-year-old me came...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 08:11:00 GMT

Outtakes from "The Betty"

There's always shit to laugh at when I'm going through footage. If not, then nobody was having fun and the quality of the shoot is probably pretty low. Here are a couple from last weekend that I found...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:55:00 GMT

Images from "The Betty"

Images from "The Betty"I've been meaning to post frame grabs of pictures from "The Betty" for a while now. Well, shooting more of the opening scenes the other day got me playing around editing a rough...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:58:00 GMT

A Loss to Nerds Everywhere

About 25 years ago my mother, sister, and I moved off my grandfather's farm into the Meadowbrook Apartments in Newfane, NY. I was 8 and it was really my first opportunity to make friends that weren't ...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 17:48:00 GMT

The Christmas Initiative

Alright, hopefully most of you have heard of a little punk band called FEAR. Now this band has a song that is just perfect for the season. If you know what I'm talking about, well right on. If not, th...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 20:31:00 GMT

Our First Movie - Finally Done

So this may not be the first thing you've seen from Hate City, but it's the first thing we did. It was my first script and first attempt at directing. The actors aren't actors really, just friends, bu...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 12:59:00 GMT

Casting For Our New Short Film

HateCity Pictures will be casting for our upcoming short film The Betty, a comedy of errors set in the criminal underworld of sports gambling. We will be holding auditions for the following roles:ARCH...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:11:00 GMT

Renaissance Festival Documentary Production Scheduled to Begin

We've got the go-ahead from the folks at TRF (Texas Renaissance Festival), so it looks like we're gonna be able to start in our own back yard (relatively speaking). November 4th Glenn and I will b...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:13:00 GMT


Hate City Productions is pleased to announce its newest project, a documentary that will explore the lives of renaissance festival participants - performers, vendors, patrons, and organizers - across ...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:08:00 GMT

Why I Love Dick

I apologize to anyone who feels misled by the title of this blog. This is not my coming out. This is a lovefest for the writings of Phillip K. Dick. It is also a nod to Richard Linklater, who is respo...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 23:59:00 GMT