Music production, recording, writing, teaching, etc. Performing live music.
Jack Black, Bono, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson , Bill Cosby... just off the top of my head.
U2, Switchfoot, Coldplay, David Crowder, Tim Hughes, Dave Matthews, Lifehouse, Jack Johnson, Ben Paisley, Jason Upton, Dashboard C., John Reuben, Matt Kearny, John Mark McMillan, Lauryn Hill, Matis Yahu
Back to the Future 1, Napoleon D., School of Rock, See Spot Run, The Sand Lot, Nacho Libre, That Thing You Do, Die Hard 4
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Rob & Big (those guys trip me out) Orange County Choppers (funny family) Miami Ink LA Ink
Keith Green- No Compromise Matt Redman-Blessed be Your Name Any book by Bill Johnson.
Faith folks: Smith Wigglesworth, John Lake, David Hogan, Heidy and Roland Baker, Billy Grahm, A.W.Tozer, the Wesley Brothers (rock'n Oxford)Music folks: Bono, All thoes white guy rhymers. Brad Nowell, (the dude from 311), Zach Dela Rocha, Jack Johnson, some of the cats from Beastie Boys, Sonny from POD. Dunno why I like the pasty hip hoppers? Dave Ghroll (made the drummer to frontman crossover) Keith Green (never seen it as honest and sincere since as this dude)) Phil Keagy (sickest dude to see play live ever, and old school)