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About Me

I'm a wanna-be has-been making my would-be comeback! At least that's what I tell my friends. Music has always been a part of my life in one way or another since I can remember. Whether I listened to it on the radio, danced to it in my room, or played it either for my own enjoyment or on the stage. I can't imagine my life void of music. For me it's like air. The backdrop to my life. It all started to shape me as a rebel when I first heard Wooley Bully on the radio. It marked the beginning of my love for rock and my musical evolution. I started playing piano at the age of 7, refusing to learn the classics and opting for the pop tunes of the day and mimicking commercial jingles. And while I learned to read music, I refused to sight read and memorized my pieces instead. I played the 88's until I was 12 years old. It was 1970. At that time, I became influenced by artists like CSNY,Cat Stevens, Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot, Joan Armatrading, Joni Mitchell and the like. The singer/songwriter story tellers. My male peers were all into the acoustic folk rock and I wanted to be like them. I also didn't think there was a place for a female in the popular music world unless you played acoustic guitar and sang. No one told me there were options and the boys were pretty territorial when it came to girls wanting to rock out. I played guitar, writing original music for the next 28 years. Performances were limited to an occasional open mic and jam sessions with friends. It wasn't until I was 40 years old that I was guided by someone close to me to pick up the electric bass. I haven't really touched a 6 string since. I fell in love with holding down the bottom and nuturing the groove that gets people moving. My bass icon is James Jamerson. Over the last 10 years, I have performed in several bands, predominantly classic rock and blues bands. These include: The Gutter Prophets, Montage Ball, No Apologies, and also I was in the regular rotation of "usual suspects" in a 3 piece blues outfit called Big Tobacco. Big Tobacco was nominated for a 2007 and 2008 Buffalo Music Award. Currently, I'm embarking on a newly forming cover/original project called In The Bag with an old friend and collaborator, Ernie Morgan, and hope to be back out sometime in 2009. We've already done a few showcase gigs and the response has been positive. I am a Fender Precision bass woman all the way. My main bass is an original '78 modified with a Badass bridge and Bassline pick ups. I have two main amp rigs. My "oldtimer", the Acoustic 370 head through an Ampeg HE 4x10 and my "newbie", the Markbass 1x12 combo amp. I'm all about the warm tones. I also founded and organize an annual benefit called Female Musicians Fighting Breast Cancer. For more info on that, go to

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've been very fortunate to personally meet: Jennifer Batten, Tony Levin, Jeff Berlin, Stu Hamm, Victor and Reggie Wooten, Billy Sheehan, Dennis Chambers, Buddy Miles (RIP :( ), Oteil Burbridge, Rocco Prestia, Percy Jones, Stanley Jordan, Kasam Sultan, Mel Schacher, and Don Brewer. There are many others I would like to meet. I'd also like to meet other musicians from all walks of life.

My Blog

Check out pictures from our reunion show!

Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 17:17:00 GMT

Montage Ball Reunites For One Night Only On Their World Conquest Tour

That's right kiddies, the original cast of Montage Ball, the 60's/70's classic rock band with a difference, has decided to give the fans one more walk down memory lane!We'll be playing the groovy tune...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 23:10:00 GMT