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yO thiss is niahhBAYBEHH - ! its thee flyest female knOwn tO the beann .i dNt rOckss withh many qirlss ; but the Onlyy my mainss ( they shOuldd knOww whO they aree ] . my parentss had sOmee bOmbb pOOm - pOOm timee ; &ndd had me . im the yOunqest Of my hOusehOldd - sO bxtchess shOuldntt qett shxt twistedd . im dOpe Of cOursee - &ndd my swaqq is expensivee NOT sOldd in stOres ! lOlss . im the bestt &ndd they cant tell me nadaa . well nuff saidd niahss qOnee . =P