Steve Corn profile picture

Steve Corn


About Me

I'm a DAD! Kasen Mathew was born Nov 4, 2007!!!MY NEW BLOG SITE is: www.stevecorn.comHmm - where should I start? I figure the best way to tell you who I am is really just to tell you the 'loves' of my life. By the way, after the first three, they aren't in any particular order.1-Jesus 2-Miranda(my wife) 3-Kasen (born Nov 4, 2007) 4-My Family (Corns, Mathews, and Underwoods) 5-my dogs (Peanut and Priss) 6-my friends (LJ, Tomball, & Crowley people) 7-my job (Youth Ministry) 8-Guitar and Worship Leading (Taylor Guitars) 9-Scuba Diving & Snow Skiing 10-Ice Cream 11-Seinfeld 12-Star Wars 13-Velvet Elvis

My Interests

Jesus, Miranda, Kasen, guitar & singing, music, snow skiing, scuba diving.I like Taylor Guitars! !

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, my grandfather who died before I was born, St Francis, Rob Bell, Bono, William Wallace - that's a pretty good short list!


Throne Together, Evan Godbold, Hans Googer, Josh Gumienny, Greenhouse Effect, Mike Briscoe, David Crowder, Chris Tomlin, Robbie Seay, Jadon Lavik, Lifehouse, U2, Van Halen, David Wilcox, Steve Morse.


Star Wars, Coach Carter, Joshua, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, With Honors, A Christmas Story


Survivor, Lost, Jericho


Velvet Elvis, Blue Like Jazz, Traveling Mercies, [re]Understanding Prayer, A New Kind of Christian, Soul Tsunami, Wild at Heart


Jesus - my Dad

My Blog

Kara Brashear

You probably won't see this, but it's a long shot.Unless I'm your friend, I can't respond to your message. I only know "brashear" as your last name and certainly don't have an e-mail anymore so I can'...
Posted by Steve Corn on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:10:00 PST

Check out my new site.  
Posted by Steve Corn on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:25:00 PST

Brenda's Wedding and my Dad

My sister just got married this past weekend. I must admit (something you will rarely hear me say) that she was beautiful. The wedding was at Chain of Lakes near Livingston, Texas. It was nice, but n...
Posted by Steve Corn on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:25:00 PST

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays???

Why are Christians making such a big deal about the use of "Happy Holidays" as opposed to "Merry Christmas!" I guess I understand the concern about taking Christ out of the season, but is that really ...
Posted by Steve Corn on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:03:00 PST

Chronicles of Narnia

Chronicles of Narnia - Whoa! I just saw it movie yesterday! It was great! I'm not really into the whole fantasy genre (Lord of the what???? Well done, but just not my thing.) But this was not a t...
Posted by Steve Corn on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 02:56:00 PST

[re]Understanding Prayer

I've been reading a book by Kyle Lake lately called "[re]Understanding Prayer." (By the way, he's the guy from UBC Waco who was electrocuted recently while doing a baptism.) Anyway, one of t...
Posted by Steve Corn on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 09:34:00 PST

John 11

John 11 Commentary Vs 1 Bethany - Jesus was good friends with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and probably spent lots of time with them. (Luke 10:38, 7:38, John 12:1) This quite possibly was a home where ...
Posted by Steve Corn on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 03:20:00 PST

John 10

John 10 Commentary Vs 1 The "gate" that Jesus was probably refering to comes from the practice of shepherds in those days. Shepherds were typically young boys who faced burning sun and cold winds as ...
Posted by Steve Corn on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 01:13:00 PST

Videos: 1- Being a MAN! 2- The Gospel

Coolest Video I've ever seen about being a man! Check out Bradley Hathaway. He's cool.   Here's another cool video too. Kinda like NOOMA...
Posted by Steve Corn on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 01:57:00 PST

Alfredo, Lowes, a wennie dog, and a truck!

Alright - something strange happened the other day. I was at Lowes with Miranda and we were buying wood so I could build some end tables and a coffee table. Anyway, we got everything we needed - by th...
Posted by Steve Corn on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 10:17:00 PST