sierra wofford’s music profile profile picture

sierra wofford’s music profile

About Me

whats up guys!! my name is Sierra Wofford, I am a singer. song writer, I have been singing for years, and writing songs since I can't remember . Just here recently I discovered my rapping skills. Oh yea believe it or not your girl Sierra can rap !, any ways music is my inspiration ,and with out music I don't know what I would do. My music makes me strong. and my intentions as a song writer is to make my fam, friends and fans, just as strong when they hear my music , if you listen closely to my lyrics you will find my answers and results to my very own problems like i said maybe if you can relate to some of these problems and stories , it might just help you along the way, so sit back relax and just enjoy my tunes--~C~


Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests


Member Since: 02/02/2008
Band Website:
Influences: my main influence had always been tupac shakur, now him and my daughter gives me motivation and inspiration to write music
Sounds Like: r&b with a little spaz!!
Record Label: soon to be

My Blog

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