Merry Wife of Windsor profile picture

Merry Wife of Windsor

[Miserere mei, Deus]

About Me

OUR 25th Wedding Anniversary Party
November, 2006

"Tell me who you are walking with and I will tell you who you are." (Spanish proverb)
Decsendent of Adam & Eve...and Abraham; Daughter of Francis & Mary; Child of God Almighty via Baptism (12/4/60); Confirmed Catholic (5/20/80) by Archbishop Marcel LeFebvre (before the so-called "schism"); Citizen of Heaven, currently residing in this world as a member of the Diocese of Phoenix; Married to Scott (25+ years); PROUD mother of SIX spirit-filled, hard-working Catholics (the Lord's "milites Christi" - "SOLDIERS OF CHRIST"); Prefer the Tridentine Mass ("the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven"); Nurse; Nurse-Educator; neo-Cyclist.
I am a traveling RN on the weekends. My life is like the Proverbial woman who, "like the trading-ships, brings food from far away." (Proverbs 31:14)

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

M-F 6:30p (Arizona time)
Sundays 5:30p
KXXT Radio Broadcast. Click upper left RED - ON AIR radio icon.
WISE MEN still seek Him.

I'd like to meet:

Christ and those that LOVE Him...


OUR Messiah - Christ Jesus!

My Blog

What is LENT?

..> ALL ABOUT LENT James Akin What is Lent? Lent is the forty day period before Easter (excluding Sundays) which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunda...
Posted by Merry Wife of Windsor on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 04:59:00 PST

I love you Jesus, my love

I love You, Jesus, my love, with my WHOLE heart.I repent of ever having offended Thee.NEVER permit me to offend Thee again.GRANT that I may love Thee ALWAYS...And THEN -- do with me with Thou will.(ta...
Posted by Merry Wife of Windsor on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 04:40:00 PST