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Adrien Alexszander Gauverues

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So this is were it starts her story of a young girls Many and great advenchures Adren was born from a birth not ready just yet for the world he mother was a deathly ill woman and when become pregnet with little adren it only made it harder on her after adren birth her mother feel iller and soon diyed
Adrien Lived a horfing child hood after her motehrs death her father took care of her keeping her safe and worm untail adrien was seen as a threat to the nashen her eyes one blue one green was seen as a demond eyes when indead adrien was nothing of the sort the fun loving child did nothing but love her father and the people her father broguht in to her life but it was adrien adtued the way she spoke when she got mad roze to exsapmel of somthing she could become when she was older .
Adrien and her father were banded from the town and froced to finde home some were elz and they did adrien focezed on traing her power and her stregth she was built in to the most wanted fighting mashen once adrien hit 18 she inroled her self in the war a woman in the war most people found it proprotset but onc adrien found out about her fathers sloter she ran home killing every thing her path no matter if they were instants are demond she didnt care only geting to her father onces she reached her home seeing her fathers sloter mess around there home
she beceom a dark child untail she found home with demoion and sara taking her in to be part of there famly but adrina stayed on her own keep distan from her famly untail she lurned to trust them like she did to her father adrien love them but her son didnt adrean got pregnet after alex deced he was not his son demean beceom dark and evil losing him she went in to a deep deprsehon after alex left her caling her a hore becuse it was indeed his child but she had sex with another man after they brok up dna test showd that demaon was his son but he still didnt take in the responabultys .
Adreina hate him never whant to do any thing she roze her son to be strong but once he found out the turth he whent in seek for his father and adrian tryed to keep them aprat knowing if he ever found his father it would be deadly to him and her alex was not the man to play around with
but in the end he found out how much of a dark his father was and he soon left the both of them leaving adreana alone she beceom dark her self leading a life of death and regretThe Appel Dosent Fall To Far Frome The Tree
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Posted by Adrien Alexszander Gauverues on Sun, 06 May 2007 10:49:00 PST