YANskI profile picture


About Me

I've spent a lot of years in Jersey and some years in Cali...and years collectively in different parts of the world. Within that experience I've witnessed the limited voice that plagues the societies we live in..even today..with the capabilities and allowances (no matter how limited their time might seem) that give birth to the potential of a global communication, that in turn, could create the some level of gloal harmony.But it's not like that. The world is in a state of war...more accurately..a state of many wars. And the same catalysts of the past still reside in the global framework of todays unrest..money..religion..power. And frankly...I'm over it. And I think you should be too.The dethroning of injustice as it occupies the seats of the most powerful positions in the world is long overdue..and there's hundreds of millions of us in the world that know that. Among those hundreds of millions are the poor, the oppressed, the disenfranchised, and the forgotten..but also includes many who are financially successful, highly educated, and highly experienced. And it is this spectrum of our global society that, simply stated, need to take the power back.I offer my voice and my mind to this cause in search of solutions and the people who will work towards making those solutions a reality. As a people, we are faced with a project that no one has ever really been able to execute properly. Millions have dedicated their lives to the causes of freedom and civil liberty, yet time has always introduced more powerful opponents, which in many cases, succeeded in defeating those causes.Today our opponent is more powerful that its ever been. A vile dedication to corruption, genocide, and enslavement has infected the culture of the elite and empowered to the point of creating agendas that hinder the well being of everyday people...which is almost all of us.So, in the light of this situation, I make my music and bring to you what I've experienced and learned over 26 years of living. If you don't agree with me...that's fine. Tell me why..and if you make a better point I'll concede mine. All I ask is that you do some research...and stand up for what you believe in.I will." .. real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 11/10/2005
Band Website: No need - the eVocamunity is on the way!
Band Members: Right now its just me dun...but I get supported by the likes of Note1 hitting the congas with passion, Kaboom doing justice on the Technics and mic styles, Damet1 and Br3tt keeping me in check, Bedardio gracing all of us with rhythms beyond belief, Patman smacking on a bass near u, Damaged handling percussions and problems, and I know Jah-sun will be hitting the mic hard when he's around...Peace to all the family, my wonderful parents for teaching me what thinking outside the box meant from the beginning, and the whole Jersey crew who's never stopped supporting the crazy ambitions I keep chasing! I love you all!!
Give Love Back with Jedidiah, Toms Shoes, and thegluenetwork.com from Jedidiah Clothing on Vimeo .
Influences: I'm influenced by nothing other than my own goals...but people do inspire me..and My biggest inspiration comes from real revolutionaries - not you fake ass self proclaimed rebels out there....
Sounds Like:Save the music ! Please!This is ridiculous and you all know it...music is in a coma on its death bed and we won’t have anything left if no one acts on it. I’m serious. In fact, I couldn’t be more serious about anything. You can’t blame artists for being themselves. But you can blame people for supporting bullshit everyday, cause that’s all we’re doing. Why is LL Cool J and J-Lo’s new song in the top ten of every countdown?....is it not obvious that it sucks. (that’s not an opinion by the way, that’s the truth.) Why is that ken-doll surfer dude from O-town singing in a rock band, and why is his music played regularly on the radio and MTV? ....this corny mother fucker is not a rocker....in fact...after watching half an hour of his show...I’d say he’s the corniest asshole on TV.But I’ve strayed from the point.Which is...It’s obvious and certain that conglomerate media doesn’t support good music, because to them its better to make a buck on something they can easily market than consider that they may be destroying part of a people’s culture. we can not accept actually supporting the crap that gets played on the radio or TV.And if you think this is just a selfish rant, consider:all the musicians in the world that are genuinely moved by music. These are not the guys in high school who started a band cuz it was cool and a seemingly efficient way of getting chicks, or the rappers that think a notebooks of rhymes makes them a veteran, or the dude that uses keyboard presets to make his "music." No..these are men and women who have a calling in their lives to play music..and by all means..should have the right. The problem we face is that every new day more and more crap is supported, making it harder everyday for truly skilled professionals to make a living. It needs to stop because we are allowing companies like Viacom, Universal, and Sony to ruin our culture and put these people out of work.So this is what I’m asking..Demand more from your music and don’t support the crap. People say its opinion when it comes to good or bad music. Not true. There is good music. There is bad music. What particular style of good music you like is your opinion, but the rest of the shit is just crap!Support your local musicians!!!Fuck Sony, Viacom, and Universal!!!Save the music!!!
Record Label: Hopefully..one day..eVocal.

My Blog

Lose Your Ego!!

Its come to my attention that a plague has strucken the artist agenda...and its name is EGO.What some refer to as spiritual body fat, ego hasĀ  hinderedĀ  the advancement of art and music for centuries....
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 21:01:00 GMT

Can we stop bullshitting ourselves now?

What is the Blue Beam Project? by David Openheimer [email protected] It involves two things. A technologically simulated "second coming" and the reemmrgence of new "MONTAUK" type projects that hav...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 13:13:00 GMT

The Story of the Revolution Begins

Aint no reasonTo think that things change quickly.That's always been an idealists biggest issue in lifeThe reason his goal keeps skipping away from him like a kicked hat on the floor...But its in rea...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 18:47:00 GMT

Save the music ! Please!

This is ridiculous and you all know it...music is in a coma on its death bed and we won't have anything left if no one acts on it.  I'm serious.  In fact, I couldn't be more serious about an...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:47:00 GMT