Chester LeBeaux profile picture

Chester LeBeaux

I am here for Friends

About Me

I live near a town called Waskaganish near James Bay in Northern Quebec. Two thousand people live there. They're all pretty nice.
I make my living fishing. It's hard. But I like it.
I live in a shack that I built. It's by a stream. I don't fish there. I go other places.
I don't have electricity or water. I need to go to the community centre.
I went there for two weeks and made a video for The Scenics. It might play at this festival in Toronto called NXNE. I would put it on my site, if I knew how.
My best friends are Bill and Wally. They helped my learn computers. Wally's smart, but he's out of town.
My parents are dead. I need a girlfriend.
I've got a dog.
I've got a wood stove.
I got v.d. once.
I ran away from home when I was 15.
I went to Toronto in 1976 and I went home in 1978. I was into the punk scene (in Toronto; not Waskaganish).
I saw all the bands on the left, at least.
I lost two fingers on my left hand three years ago.
"Yahtzee" rules (see my pictures!)
I don't have too many friends up here. I don't care.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bill or Wally.

My Blog


I live near Waskagnish, in northern Quebec, right near James Bay. I live in a shack i built by a stream. The town is 400 years old. 2000 people live there. It's 2 miles away. I was born in a car ...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 19:07:00 GMT