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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Hola, mi nombre es Scott. Estoy estudiando historia para hacer profesor de la historia en una universidad. Me estoy trasladando a España el verano próximo al estudio al extranjero a través de universidad de estado de San Diego. Estoy mirando adelante a aprender la cultura europea así como llegar a ser totalmente fluido en la lengua española. Soy realmente feliz sobre mi vida ahora.(all that is saying is I am studying to be a History teacher and I'm moving to Spain next summer to study abroad through San Diego State University)Love: to surf, snowboard, travel, eat and sleep. Don't love: to wake up, iggnorance, "higher than thou" people, snots, stephouse police and Paris Hilton (lazy-eyed people kinda' scare me [sorry lazy-eyed people])

My Interests

Surfing, traveling, secluded beaches and surf spots, warm water, pinochle, women, Charger season, ancient history.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet Buddha, Ghandi, Moses, Jesus, "Alah", John Smith, Mother Teresea, The Dali Lama. I want to meet all of them in the same room and see what they have to at a time.
Scott Fulkerson starved to death while playing computer games

Scott Fulkerson was later revived by the milk of Angelina Jolie

'What will your Headline be?' at


mostly older stuff


a lot


History Channel, Discovery Channel, ESPN, Comedy Central, A&E


All the books by Dan Brown. I also like books by James Patterson, Stephen King, John Grishm, Yahn Martel, Pappion and Dr. Suess.


Mom and Dad, Daver, and Bill Clinton (I miss him...don't you?) Oh...and how could I forget my biggest hero: LaLa
Your Personality Is Like Alcohol
You're the life of the party, a total flirt, and probably a pretty big jokester.
Sometimes your behavior gets you in trouble, but you still remain socially acceptable.
You're a pretty bad driver, and you're dancing could also use a little work! What Drug Is Your Personality Like? MY PERSONALITY IS LIKE ALCOHOL....WHAT A SURPRISE.