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About Me

WoodWall bIo

--- Woodwall is an instrumental duo whoms's piquant-chilled-out vibes delivers you the most spectacular, marvelous, mighty and sole experience that you have yet to come across; comparatively of course, whilst you lay in such vast inhabitants of humdrum lethargic musician peeps. No arrogance and haughty pompus bastrds here . . . Our dynamism colliding with our greatest abilities of indifferent discernment and perspicacity embellishes our music and thoughts; enough so that songs derive from the "Bobo," but not as if to say just plain and simply. It is that of the once thought divorced "sentipensante" in which songs are originated. And the aboriginal sound of wood and wall will clatter-clang and rock the fuck outta your brain. The mad tracks are a lot and stuff. So thats hard.---

My Interests


Member Since: 02/02/2008
Band Website: http://www.last.fm/music/Woodwall
Band Members:

Alex Zagami-What You Hear/Everything/Them Instruments/That stuff/That reaction of amazement/That confused look in your eyes/That bitchslap you give to yourself when your friend asks you, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Cody Fitzgerald-That Crazy Shit/The Music You are Listening to/That lovely sound that rocks off your face/That homemade sound thats mainly good because its got that touchO0 love/ The shit thats like, "Whats this sound like?" you say, till you embrace and remember you heard that sound b4 and ur like "0 right,rainbows, coarse."


Bomb the Music Industry!
LCD Soundsystem
World/Inferno Friendship Society
Man Man
Against Me!
Ray Charles
Arcade Fire
The Polyphonic Spree, (that one song everyone knows...)
Wolf Parade
The White Stripes
Bitchen Kitchen
Rilo Kiley
Animal Collective
Stupid people
asshole'ish esq people
Biggie Smalls
Aphex Twin
Eduardo Galeano
Bright Eyes
Modest Mouse
Saul Williams
Yeah yeah yeahs

Sounds Like:

Improv aaand some cool shit thrown in.-- Magic, off time; beats, guitars, drums, sound. graffiti, two people chilling, some time thats a lot more time than you think, festivals+carnivals, fariswheels, a duo without an orchestra at their disposal, diamond in the ruff/rut, shit being thrown at the recording microphone. "Have Fun Rotting By Yourself" "Nannou" minus the really good recording shit and tools.

Record Label: Self produced

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