Computers, music, Norse mythology and video games.
What Is Your Battle Cry?
P rowling over the mountains, carrying a mighty sword, cometh Flatulor! And he gives an ominous cry:
"Hail the blood-letting! I desecrate like a river of pure piranha!"
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Ronald McDonald, Lou Albano, Neil Cicierega.
I don't watch television.
Weird Al Yankovic, Mitchell J. Henderson, The Star Wars Kid, Bruce Lee, Neil Cicierega, Maddox, Jason Guillen (he saved my life once, really!), Afro Ninja, Kikkoman! (Worcestershire sauce? Ketchup? WHAT A SUCKERS!), Pee Wee Herman, Scatman John, Segata Sanshiro and many more that slip my mind at the moment.