Some lost weary souls happened to cross paths in this Universe, intermingling skills to make some unique sounds. Formed in 1999, many different sounds, songs and lyrics have risen from the depths, to create a genre in itself. We are always experimenting, unconventionally to always grow creatively and to surprise ourselves. Currently we are one half in Portland the other half Chicago. These songs are rough tracks of what's to come, album later in the year. OUR SONGS WERE CREATED TO BE BLASTED AT THE LOUDEST VOLUME POSSIBLE WITHOUT BLOWING YOUR AMP, BREAKING GLASS, WINDOWS, BUSTING WALLS APART, HAVING THE RIOT SQUAD RANSACK YOUR HOME OR BEING HEARD FROM OUTER SPACE... Unless you enjoy not having a place to live, spending your life in jail or being abducted by extraterrestrial beings... Then you must turn it up!! Listen to the strange unknown sounds and immerse yourself... In the somewhat near future we will have an array of sounds that shall place themselves within our Lost Dimension and sound like no other beings in this or any other Universe...
I got my own Free MySpace Layouts from