If you really want to know about my boring life here it is!
I absolutely love everything about horses!!! My friends are the absolute best people on the whole planet they are the people who keep me going, the people who make me who I am. I have two dogs, Max and Kelly, and I have a horse named Southern Special Te (aka Cody). Cody is 15.2hh bay reg. QH gelding. I traded Te Ann for him, and she meant the world to me... I miss her like crazy... But I wouldnt imagine doing anything different. I love Cody soooo much, he is amazing and I cant wait for all the memories we will have together! :) I play the trombone and I also play the ukulele. My family plays a great role in my life. I love volunteering! I was a volunteer at a hippothearapy center called Stable Movements for over 6 years. For those of you who think hippothearapy has somthing to do with hippos it doesn't. I am currently attending College for Equine Studies. I just recently started showing horses. I love it, its so much fun. a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vbXlzcGFjZS5udWNsZW
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