Culture. I want to experience EVERY culture I possible can. To live and expand my knowledge of people and everything possible. To find what is right for me.Made in the city (L.A.). I am proud of my heritage. I often get asked...what are you? Are you Native American? and Yes I am but I am also: Irish,Spanish(Peru),German,African,Some type of Asian(Japense or Hawaiian)Incian,and French.I feel this ultimate connection to things (the world) cause of my heritage.When I listen to differnt music...I feel this pulse of electric good feeling going through my veins. An awakening. So I will experience all I can in this world as a free spirit. For I am free and I live to love and protect.I want to save animal lives and/or people lives by hopefully being a conservationist and join the peace core sometime in my life.So I have decided I want to see the world, all the good and all the bad. I want to experience everything I can and meet anyone and everyone who comes my way. Willing to take anyone who wants an adventure along. Alaska,Canada,South America,Brazil,Gremany,Sydney, Antartica,Africa, New Zealand,Greece, Rome, Spain,Japan,England, Ireland, Scotland, England, Paris, London,Egypt, Holland, Amsterdam, Switzerland,Iceland, Portugal. I want to touch every ocean,feel the wind against my skin, see every mountain, enjoy every wonder of this God given gift called EARTH.I'm just one person.Yes I wish I was different from everyone else but in reality I am human.Like humans trying to escape the norm. but not succeeding like you.
Happy to live and breath...just to existed.I am here. My calling awaits me.Mother-nature and everything that surrounds her. I want to live and touch the sky.Eventaully speared my wings and fly home (Heaven).
To explore and see everything I can with my own two eyes.
I often think...think to the point of insanity.
Bring on that horizon :).What purpose does the human society really have to offer?The truth is we have no purpose.There is nothing major we can do that will impact the universe. Planet earth is a bubble.Have you every thought of it like that? So why dont we just sit back and enjoy the ride til we die. At the rate were going...your only purpose is to destory.Cause thats what we are doing every minute to yourselves and your homes.Every world might be different but we are all staring at the same moon.
okay if u wanna know more hit me up. talk to me.
im pretty random and crazy if u known me :).I am pretty chill and everyday I try to aim to be more chill.Cause life is to short to be serious, closed minded, up tight,and worrying all the time. I am on the other hand known to be bipolar with my moods sometimes.But you wanna know my theory on that?... everyone lives in the moment, they do what they wanna do depending on their mood. So to me everyone is bipolar...its just some people are more subtle then and trust me if u piss me off enough ill kick your ass but it takes alot to get me to that point. oh yea i am known to be reckless sometimes but sometimes i honestly cant help it. (nickname Beast)if u known me you known why.Theres couple of reasons I am called Beast.I could careless what people say about me...if its bad. Cause they dont known me like that.Get to known someone before you talk mess about them.My advice:
BE Free.Love with all your strength,cry,sweat, and most of all fight with all your might.Get out and get even.Never stop but keep on moving until there is no more.
You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?