I'm 22, a filipina, and LOVE to dance. I'm super short and that's okay - being closer to the ground ain't so bad when the rest of your cousins are down there with you! I have a huge family (I swear, it's like everyone's related to me) and it's great because you never feel alone...EVER. Oooh, that also means I love to EAT. Duude, and i mean EAT - I'm quite the little marshmallow if you ask me ;). Friends + Family = buffet!! hehehe.
I graduated from UCI (with all my friends from Cerritos who never really left me alone since like, what? Elementary school?? haha) circa August 2007 as a bio major. Working on a masters in education.
I love kids. I teach a great group of girls at Tetzlaff Middle School and we dance and party hearty with flags and rifles (w00t w00t) all day long (i'm not kidding - practices? ohhh man ;p)
I love playing the piano and figuring tunes out by ear, and singing (sometimes), and decorating and generally the right brained stuff. Seriously, when it comes to math, I'm totally screwed - me and my poorsh algebra...haha. I'm an anime fan, not a freak, it's more of a guilty pleasure....they show up in doodles on all my lecture notes and...well you can figure the rest out if we ever get a chance to meet! ^_^..