ii loVe to HanG Out wit mY fRieNdS... ChiLL wit' thoSe ii CaN StaNd - && paRtY wit' thoSe thAt NeveR SLeep!! < ii loVe to mAke peOpLe SmiiLe > [ ii LoVe heArtS: becauSe ii hAve a biiG oNe ] [ buT ii am Not eAsily deCieveD ??? ] [ NeVeR miStakeN mY kiNdneSS fOr bLiNdneSS ] [ ii am OpeN tO neW ideAs ] [ eveN thOugh ii am stUbboRN ] ii am SiNgLe foR a ReASoN ::hint:: DoN't tRy tO PiCk me Up.. ::hint:: nOt iiNteReSted..
Why would ii want to meet anyone when i can't even find myself?! ...lol j/k ツI would rather just meet people from now on who are good genuine people, that is what i'd like_
*****Biitch i'm Me.. ~ tired of falSe People flippin' Scripts be reAL wit yourself theN you can Be reAL wit' Me!!! 1st Step iis you Babii!!! ii Recognize GaMe!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
..Take the time... a n d.. you might find... what lies be hi nd.™<♥>
? ? ? ii LoVe muSiQ!! ? ? ? _________________ .oOo.F*ck All Ya'll Haterz... Getta Lyf!oOo. trina _________________ ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??Right now I am feeling "Don't take it personal (Just one of dem days)" by Monica ... sorry for those of you in my life that i shut out, and i apologize to the one's that are still around for any future dilemma's .. Muahz. ii love all of you.to me all music is like poetry; words on paper_ read outloud_ with background sound...ii tend to find myself liking songs with horrible verses because i like the beat ::funny:: =)
I love movies.. all kinds. i tend to watch movies from beginning to end.. except now-a-days ~ sleepy time (work). < well honestly ii tend to never get to see the ending of movies anymore :( >=)? JiL
? iima SupeRstAr...lol... nO but u goTTa L?ve me!ii like the the television on... as for shows i tend to watch shows that keep my mind going... CSI: Miami, Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Intent, HOUSE, Animal channel, Discovery Channel, Movies on Tv. Some shows that i only saw one of and liked were: Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Nip tuck, and some others... my friends are mostly show watchers. ..ever Realize how Dramatic shows are? _that's why i try to stick to the mindful ones...
ii don't have much time to read, but i like poetry.(E.E. cummings: anyone lived in a pretty how town_ may i feel said he_ since feeling is first_ it is at moments after i have dreamed_ the boys i mean are not refined_ it may not always be so; and i say_ ).http://www-scf.usc.edu/~thier/ee/#mayihttp://www.amer icanpoems.com/poets/eecummings/11880 (This poem is what caused me to begin to read Cummings work)
Nghia Van Le