I'm a busy, busy, student, writer, musician, cook. Three of my music projects, The Grantchster Question, The Bottom 99 & Quatro Veda, are also on myspace. (See below in "friends")
The Grantchester Question is my new band. It's a little more 60's pop influenced. We are trying to get demos up ASAP.There are a few "living room" demos up now.
Quatro Veda is quirky. I never, ever, in a thousand years, thought I would sing in a folk band. But I kept writing the lyrics for all the pretty stuff Oliver had written and it needed to get played. Turns out it's a bit of allright and some people dig it. Huh. Who'da thought?
The Bottom 99 was rootsy (for me), like stuff I grew up with. It's all our own material and a a bit of a modern take on psychedelic, white boy blues and 60's pop and metal. It's defunct now but we did some interesting things while it lasted.