Music first. Playing, singing, writing, whatever as long as it is music related. I pretty much have A.D.D. (which is why it takes so long for me to respond to anything on here), so anything other than music that can hold my interest I am up for!! Scroll Bar Designer Scroll Bar Designer
Anyone and everyone. I'll party with anyone once!!! If I could meet anyone from anytime I'd wanna meet Socrates (guess I should brush up on my Greek) and Da Vinci (guess a lesson or two in Italian wouldn't hurt either), and of course I missed my window to meet Johnny Cash (will the circle be unbroken?). Living people I'd like to meet are Angelina Jolie (for obvious reasons), the leaders of OPEC (so I can spit in their greedy eyes), and I would love to sit and talk to Merle Haggard over coffee or a beer. What an extraordinary life he has lived.
Anything good!! I like all types of music. My favorites of course are '80's metal and all country.
I don't usually have time to watch movies, but when I do I like comedies and action flics.
See above, same applies. d6fe21b2.png
I love to read. Anything that will teach me something. I like to know I'm at least learning something. However, I do love the Harry Potter books. Also, Stephen King and Graham Hancock.
My parents for teaching me what it is to be a good person, anyone who has made it on their own, everyone who has given up anything in order to stand up for what they believe is right, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, The men and women of our armed forces, anyone who has been told that they can't and then did just to prove they could, anyone who has fallen down and gotten back up again, people who would rather live life than just survive it (it is only through failure that we learn to succeed). I guess I have lots of heroes. You may be one of them so don't let me down!!