Hello! My name is Krystal and I'm a Music BA with minors in German and Women's Studies. As far as religious views, I do consider myself Pagan in the respect that we should revere Mother Earth because she is all we have in this world... and we should all do our part to help preserve her. I'm not a radical tree-hugging maniac though, since I know that the actions of one nut cannot make people change how they live. Since I like to talk to people of similar view to mine, a few friends and I started the Pagan Spirituality Student Organization here at UW-Whitewater. It has really blossomed in its first semester of existence, with the finale at the end being a big feast and ritual celebrating the coming of summer: Beltane. Politically, I consider myself Centrist because no right-wing or left-wing view is ever right for me. There are always places in the middle that I find best. I do ask, however, that you never talk politically with me because I find most all of our politicians to be corrupt, and I don't like discussing them or their actions. As for family, I absolutely adore my parents. They are supportive and loving, and I consider my mother to be my best friend. (Except for Echo. Echo's awesome as well!) I have two amazing siblings, Katie and Karl, and they have two children each. I live in Whitewater with my kitten, Lucy. She can be quite silly at times, but she is a snuggler! If you have LiveJournal and would like to subscribe to more of my ramblings, befriend me on LJ here:
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