I'm not perfect
I crash and burn on a daily basis
I'm learning from my mistakes
I'm trying to kill my ego off
I'm no better than anyone else
I have class
I'm shy
I'm random
I find things funny that others don't
I'm sensitive
I'm picky
I'm modest
I'm a procrastinator
I'm self-conscience
I think about everything at the same time
I'm Ecuadorian
I'm a nice guy
I'm patient
I'm reliable
I don't use others
I'm responsible
I'm self-conscious
I'm sorry for my sins
I don't have all the answers
I'm selective
I'm honest
I hate cold
I admit when I'm wrong
I'm a gentleman
I cry because I feel
I get my hopes up way too much
I hate being around drama
I'm indecisive
I'm artistic
I'm a good judge of character
I care for others
I love my family and friends
I'm optimistic
I'm foolish
I hate money
I'm blessed
I'm thankful
I'm so happy to be alive
1. Read the blog up above labeled, "PHOTOS (4 SALE)", for additional information to help you. Choose a photo(s) from the designated album (4 SALE) within my "Pics" section and write down the number(s). The thumbnails below these instructions are samples from different albums containing pictures, which I have for sale. Each thumbnail photo below, when clicked on, will open a new window displaying a larger size of the photo.2. Click the "Add to Cart" button below, and a new window will open displaying your shopping cart. For however many photos desired, enter the amount in the "Quantity" box. As the quantity goes up, the total price will increase in multiples of $5.00. Be sure to keep an eye on your order so that the correct quantity and price are shown.
3. Send Me a message or email and let me know what specific number(s) you would like to purchase, which is located at the bottom of each picture within the albums labeled "4 SALE".
4. Each photo is $5.00. After I have received payment through PayPal, Cash, or Check, I will email the photo(s) requested. Then, you have creative control printing the photo. Also, please do inform me through message or email that you have made or are going to make a purchase so that I can watch for the transaction in order to send you the file promptly.
5. Make sure you let me know the exact photo(s) you want. Using the "View Cart" button below, if desired, will also allow you to keep track of how many photos you purchase, plus, the total price. Please, if you have any questions or if I can be of any help, it would be my pleasure.