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Uday Almighty

I am here for Friends

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things you should know

- don't ever listen to a cop when he tells you that your friend ratted you out. it's a load of crap designed to get your friend in trouble.

- when the cops try to break up your party, just turn down the music and tell them you won't let them in unless they have a warrant.

- "make money online" is a scam. unless you're gifted with writing or with web development, don't try to "make money online" because you'll be wasting your time or your money.

- never believe a girl that tells you she's cool with not getting too serious. eventually, her biological clock will kick in and she'll try to control your life then call you immature when you remind her that it wasn't supposed to get serious.

- if someone ever tells you they couldn't make your party because of XXXXX, they're full of crap. call them out on it and watch them squirm.

- being a slut in high school is not cool. being a slut after high school makes you popular. the key is proper timing.

- if you're a chick and your best friend is a guy, he wants to get in your pants. i'm sorry, but reality dictates that men only hang out with women because they want sex from that woman.

- anyone who says personality is more important than looks is a compulsive lier. i don't care how saintly you think you are, if you're not physically attracted to someone, you won't date them (unless they're rich, which still has nothing to do with personality). that's the bottom line.

- if you ever let anyone take nude pics of you they will end up on the internet. you should either not be so naive or not be such a slut. your call.

- people who are a "bad influence" sometimes have the best advice.

« total hotness

sense of humor

why is it that everyone says that they want "someone with a sense of humor" as a friend/girlfriend/boyfriend when most people don't have a sense of humor?

it seems like these people who claim to have a "sense of humor" always get angry when i start telling christopher reeves/disability jokes (hellen keller doesn't count because those jokes are lame), racist/sexist jokes, or jokes about religion.

i tell these jokes to people who claim to have a funny bone and they usually respond with a "you're going to hell" or "i can't believe you just said that." well, believe it, baby. i did just say that and i don't believe in god nor do i believe that jesus pretended to be an airplane for my sins, so hell is of no consequence to me. it must suck having to be all goody-two-shoes because you're afraid of what people will think or because you're afraid of playing poker with some strippers and satan.

My Blog

i think maybe another concussion

i was rollerblading this morning on the hills in my neighborhood, probably doing about 25mph.  all tuck and roll on the hills.a car pulled out in front and i jumped into the grass then went into ...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 08:47:00 GMT

i dream of super tuesday

i had an odd dream last night.the dream was that i was thrust into the presidential election and we had a huge debate between clinton, obama, mccain, romney, and me.after the debate, i invited the oth...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:35:00 GMT

im not homophobic...

...but i was watching MTV last night and there were these dudes dancing.  not just dancing like a gentleman dances with a lady, but they were grinding on eachother like drunk sluts at a dance clu...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:00:00 GMT

we can make it to mars....

we can make it to mars.we can make it to the bottom of the marianas trench.we can climb the highest mountains on earth.we can hit a 20 minute window in a 10 year journey through space.we are a species...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:25:00 GMT

the issues

i have to ask if anyone in our government has read the history books.  will they be remembered as great promoters of freedom and democracy like their predecesors or will thier bickering lead our ...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 08:48:00 GMT

addictive personality

i've realized that i can say no to drugs, no to sex, and no to just about everything else if i need to.however, the things i say yes to i get addicted to.  for some reason, i have trouble hitting...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 18:04:00 GMT

alien invasion

i have to wonder.we, as humans, can't love one another.  we can't love one another because you're christian, he's muslim, she's hindu, and i'm atheist.  yet, we're the same species.  ou...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:08:00 GMT

reality show idea

"America's Next Top Criminal"Hosted by me.Judges to be decided, but I've already decided that I want "New York" from "I Love New York" to be a judge.  She's in charge of seeing if they looked goo...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:45:00 GMT

the life or death penalty

i've been thinking a lot lately about the death penalty and think i've come to a decision that it's wrong.  just a few years ago, i was all for it, but i've changed my mind now.what gives any cou...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 23:29:00 GMT

at least say bye

or "thanks for calling"or "it was nice talking to you"or "later" or "peace out, homie g"whenever i talk to people on the phone and they hang up without saying one of the above, it really annoys me.&nb...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 14:37:00 GMT