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About Me

Myspace Layouts / To Write Love On Her Arms / Hot Comments / Image Hosting

Everyone sees who I appear to be but only a few know the real me you only see what I choose to show theres so much behind this smile Y O U . J U S T . D O N T . K N O W
B4 you start 2 do anything on my page, I am letting you know that I am more than just pixels on your computer. I am Allieshia Williams , i am a girl who has such big dreams, yet living in a little world. I've changed so much in the past years, I don't really know who I am anymore. But I do know who I want 2 be. I want 2 be somebody people look up 2, that they admire. Somebody who does something good, just because. Not because she has 2. If I could make a difference in somebody's life, that would prove 2 me that I can persevere 2 changing what I once hated. I've come 2 realize, you don't get by on just your looks. You have 2 have brains beyond your beauty, because if you don't, where do you go once your beauty has left you?
It doesn't last forever!
and if i ever call you 'dude', it simply means i'm comfortable with you. i'm really loud, and usually always smiling. i like having peace, i like being quiet sometimes. i am a phone addict, my phone never shuts up. my ipod also travels everywhere with me. honestly, i don't mind trying anything new. i bite my tongue, and try to hold back most of the time. i'm a sucker for the right words (: people tend to underestimate me at times, but i don't mind. i feel like i'm one of the luckiest girls alive, i have amazing friends, and an amazing family, I used to always pretend that everything was okay, even when it wasn't. If something bothered me, I'd shrug it off, and I wouldn't let anybody see how it truly affected me. But i realized That I don’t have to pretend to be okay… because I am better than okay now =] I'm done trying to put up a wall, blocking people from becoming a part of my life. I've been hurt, many times, and I told myself I wouldn't give out any more chances, but I can't do that to people, who haven't even had a chance. Friendships fade, love goes away, but no matter how much you get hurt, it always means you're getting closer to finding that someone you'll truly love. I believe everybody has a soul-mate, and I'm not just one step closer to finding mine because of this... and if you want to know the reason why… its cause I’ve already met the boy of my dreams, the one who makes me laugh and smile every possible second, he is my true love… I know this, im 100% shure this time. i’m very blessed, and i try to never take that for granted but sometimes I do… =[ i promise, i'll always be by your side no matter what if your muh friend.
don't judge me, get to know me<3
aim= sexxiitalian17

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ii Wanna Meet Adriana Lima && Th3 On33 F0r M3 :)

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

My Blog

Hmmmmm Life Lesson

   "Death Unmasks Itself To Show Us How Fragile We Really Are "              Life To Lifeless~ Killswitch Engage  I Truly Believe That In Life Everything Happens For a Reason Whether We Know The Reaso...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 21:03:00 GMT

A 100 Things :)

1. im 142. i live in new york3. i also live in jersey4. i have a job now :(5. i drink A LOT of vitamin water6. preferably  the pink one :)7. i absolutely HATE monopoly, to much cheating and takes fore...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 07:58:00 GMT

45 Listttt Messade Me Ya Ansa's

What would you do if I...1. I made a move on you:2. I kissed you:3. I lived next door to you:4. I started smoking:5. I asked you on a date:6. I was hospitalized:7. I ran away from home:8. I got into a...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:54:00 GMT

Have Yeww

Have yew ever lived my life, spent one minute in my shoes?If yew haven't then tell me why yew judge me as yew do.Have yew ever woken up in the morning wondering if this would be your last day on Earth...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:51:00 GMT

Hmmm =]

Im Not A Perfect Girl-  My Hair Doesnt Always- Stay  In Place&&  i -Spill Things- & A ..LOT... Im Pretty Clumsy-  && Sometimes I Have A Broken Heart-   [ Not Anymore ;) ]  -My Friends- && I Soe...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 14:40:00 GMT