R~X - Photography™ profile picture

R~X - Photography™

About Me

^live pic by Extreme Photog, other by me^

Hello people, this is here for my amusement, it's only a hobby, a little something i enjoy. The camera used for the older pics was a pretty cool Fuji FinePix S5700 amature cam but these days i'm shooting on a Canon D20 SLR and prime lenses. Just recently got me a speelite flashgun and about the closest i'll get to a pro lens any time soon.. Canon 28-135mm f/3.5 IS USM.. which i'm hoping will take over the live music photog at venues with better lighting and the majority of other stuff. Can't beat 50mm f/1.8 prime for lowlight shooting, best £50 you'll spend. I really want a fish eye for fun tho.
Everything you see on here unless stated otherwise is taken by me: 'R-X', 'Randii' or 'Russ'.
If for what ever reason you want bigger res versions of the stuff on here... then drop me a line, i've started to back up all the shots but i can't promise anything with my computers reliability.
My entry to the NME Photography Freederm Comp
Published self portraits for Tattoo Savage Magazine
  Randii edited this profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)
This is my band:
^photo by stagedive photography^
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone into photography or just a wide range of people i wouldn't normally come across while being on stage playing shows in ye olde Rock Venues around the UK

My Blog

Won the NME Freederm Competition :)

OK, so I thought I better write a blog about winning the NME comp ay.Firstly thanx to everyone who voted!Its weird, I dont feel comfortable talking about it because I wouldnt class my self as a pho...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 07:12:00 GMT

Vote for me - Freederm - View entry

http://www.findmyfreedom.co.uk/view-entries/entry....Freeder m - View entry Shared via AddThis If ya could gimmie a five or a four if yer feeling mean, then that would be nice and appreciated :)
Posted by on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 13:44:00 GMT

PRIME COLOURS - in the gallery explained

Ok, here's the score      I'm just starting doing this concept thing i come up with as you'll see in the pictures... the 'Red', 'Blue' and 'Yellow' gallery albums.  They ...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 15:30:00 GMT


I'm getting a real mix of people adding me unlike my own profile... which is great!!  My personal myspace screams various personality traits that everyone who's lazy would label me as i...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:26:00 GMT